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IAC Meeting

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  • IAC Meeting

    Dear all

    Invicta Arachnid Clubs next meeting is Wednesday 31st March

    The Club meets at Bobbing village hall, Sheppey way, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8PL ( Just off Jcn 5 of the M2 ).

    Again i extend an invitation to all to come down to see us.

    This is Invicta's 14th year and we want more to be part of the experience.

    Tonights Guest speaker is Della Golding who will be doing a talk on Reptile husbandry. She will be selling her DVD's at a discount on the night.

    Club Magazine will be available

    There will be two raffles normal and Australian, free tea and coffee, cheap soft drinks & you can get your T skins sexed under the Microscope on the night.

    Is it too far to come?

    Manchester Invertabrate & Spider Club (MISC) meets on Saturday 27th March (Contact Lisa Baines)

    East Midlands Arachnid Club (EMAC) Milton Keynes meets on Sunday 28th March.(contact Daniel Richardson/Mary walters)

    If you are still too far from all three clubs, why not start your own club?
    i can give you advice.

    Clubs are a good way to meet other enthusiasts, swop spiderlings and make new friends. They are also the best way to introduce Newbies to the hobby.

    Look forward to meeting you


    This was posted on Arachnophiles after last months meeting.

    My Misses and I went to our first, of which I hope to be many, IAC meetings last night.

    It was something we should have done long ago. We have been in the hobby for coming up to 4 years now and have been meaning to go to something like this for a long while.

    A lot of you will know the odd look you get with a phrase along the lines of 'you are mad' etc when you tell anyone that you keep spiders.

    But there were a lot of people with the same passion as us. With an incredible amount of knowledge / experience.

    We were made to feel extremely welcome, I am one of those people that when going to a new place, I need my hand held but I would have quite happily gone on my own.

    There was a guest speaker there whom had been on a trip to Asia looking for bugs. I am not a stick insect keeper but the passion and the knowledge this guy had for them brought you in and generated an interest.

    I hate looking at holiday snaps as people always expect a positive comment and often my first thought is along the lines of ..... Erm yeah nice picture of a rock you have there. This was nothing like this what-so-ever.

    The meeting is held in Bobbing Kent, I live in Dartford Kent just by the bridge and it only took me around 25 minutes to get there, this did include driving safely as there was torrential rain and large puddles on the M2.

    I would recommend anyone who lives anywhere in the area to come along, it is on the last Wednesday of every month.

    If you do not live close enough to consider this club I would strongly suggest that you try to find another closer to you. If this one is anything to go by you will only find yourself disappointed - with yourself for not going to one before.

    South East Arachnid Show (SEAS) Sunday 31-1-16 Ashford international Hotel jct 9 M20
    Why not make a weekend of it.

  • #2
    last nights meeting

    We had another good meeting last night with 28 attending for an excellent talk by Della Golding and she is coming back for a talk on Crocodiles next year.
    Della signed all the DVD's she sold so everyone was happy i even won a raffle prize! wonders never cease.

    We have Martin Nicholas Next month so why not come down and see us it will be worth it .

    And dont forget South East Arachnid Show (SEAS) 30-1-2011


    South East Arachnid Show (SEAS) Sunday 31-1-16 Ashford international Hotel jct 9 M20
    Why not make a weekend of it.

