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E cyano mateing

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  • E cyano mateing

    Mated her today with Anthondy Dudleys male. the male is about the same size as her about 4 inches

    Teh courtship was slow and long there were tapping for about 2 hours before the female finally reared up and the male was in there for about 2 secs before he then droped her back down. She then disepreared down her burrow. Then male then followed her down abut after she didn't seam interested.

    people said they were fast maters but I didn't expect it to be that fast I will try the male again when he spinns anotehr sperm web to be sure

    Here is a pic of them together. Didn't get a pic of the insertions as it was very fast.

    here is the male going down her burrow

    Visit my web site @

  • #2
    nice pix, i mated my chilean roses the other day that was quick too, first time i mated spids, not me personally i mean the t's together. I'll shut up now i think, oh before i do how do you post a t. You dont just post it in an envelope and stamp it down do you ? Dont worry i didnt mean that im thinking of posting my male for mating, male t that is not my mail


    • #3
      no you packem them in boxes I wouldnt want to try and post one in an envolope.

      you send them via special next day delivery and when the woman at the post office says you can't do that you tell her to get lost as it is perfectly legal to post spiders, insects and other bugs in the post. it states it in the guide book I got from the post office. Well more of a leaflet really

      here is a link on how to pack up a T for posting

      Visit my web site @


      • #4
        I was only joking about the envelope method, but what about the temp in this cold weather do people still post when its cold. Or is there some sort of heat source you can use?


        • #5
          Hi John
          in the winter i usually double box them. so pack as usual then pack that inside a larger box packed out with paper or bubble wrap etc.
          you can also use heat packs.


          • #6
            Hi Marie,

            thanks for your reply, where do you get the heatpacks from? Nice site by the way

