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  • Digging

    Hi everyone,
    My B Smithi has started digging, is she trying to get out or does she want to make a burrow. The temp is about 70. I have read that she could burrow to get away from heat, but after digging around she just heads back to the heat mat on the back wall.
    She has a hide but never uses it. She is about 3 weeks post moult and now has a 5 inch leg span.
    Maybe she wants to go out and party, she is a teenager after all.

  • #2
    Just a spider showing normal behaviour, a lot here have periods of moving substrate around and digging then just give up and become a "pet rock" again.
    You could up the temp at one end to be around 80, don't know how much substrate you have but around 4+ inches (fairly well packed down) will give the spider the option of creating a burrow (they never seem to like our attempts of hides etc )
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      Thanks Colin I will try putting more substrate in. It was good seeing her dig, and if she wants her own burrow it would be great to see her build it.

