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My A.Metallica Just Molted into a male

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  • My A.Metallica Just Molted into a male

    Hello everyone,

    Well, I was purchased my A.Metallica from a pet store in october, which was said to be a female. Well 2 nights ago it molted and it just came out of its webbing and I have noticed that HE has mating hooks and short stubby Pedipalps.... so looks like I certainly have a male. Its amazing how much bigger he's become in one molt!!!!!!!!!!

    I was a bit dissapointed because I really wanted to own a female spider,
    but I love the guy anyway so what the hell. (Only problem is that i've been callin him 'eve' for the last 4 months!)

    The funny things is the same things happened with my Chile Rose, I was told he was a female then he also matured into a male. I guess you cant really rely on pet stores to sex them properly.

    Anyway, the main question was, How do arboreals make sperm webs...?

    do they just do it all inside their webbed enclosure... or do they make seperate sperm webs? Watching the G.Rosea make his sperm web was fascinating... I would love to see my A.metallica do the same....


    R u still down? Remember me....

  • #2
    By the way it may sound like I that I am suggesting it turned from female to male over the molt!!! I am fully aware that this doesnt happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    R u still down? Remember me....


    • #3
      Only problem is that i've been callin him 'eve' for the last 4 months!
      can I suggest "Steve"

      I've given my spiders male names, that way if they do turn out to be female there's time for therapy later. Boris is coming to terms with it I think (female Chile Rose)

