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Thermostat set up

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  • Thermostat set up

    Hi All,

    This is my first post in months, so sorry for suddenly coming back and asking loads of questions

    This is gonna sound really daft (and possibly a worrying lack of knowledge!), but I'm just planning an enclosure for my first spider and I assume the thermostat has to go on the inside of the enclosure in order to effectively detect changes in temperature of the enclosure? Also, I've heard that the heat mat should be placed on the wall either on the inside or the outside - which is best?



  • #2
    Depending on how warm your house is I know a lot of people don't use heat mats, esp in this warm summer weather we're having. I have one on Rio's terrarium, which is one the outside (yes it does take longer to warm up, but Im reliably informed this is the correct way). Also a bit of polystirene (sp) on the back stops the heat escaping, (as it comes out both sides of heat mat) and reflects it back in. Rio likes to switch between heating herself up and hiding in her hide and hole she's dug to cool down.

    I don't have a thermostat, but I do have both a hygrometer and thermometer in the cage and just judge from them if it's warm/moist enough. I guess with the more fragile species a thermostat is useful, but not completely necessary for all species as long as you've got an eye on the temp!

    What T are you thinking of getting?

    I'll let some of the more knowledgeable types on here read this and correct me if Im wrong though heehee

    J x
    Owner of:
    A. chalcodes "Rio", X.immanis "Cuervo" and OBT sling "Salsa"

    Mummy of:
    Yelina (4 yrs old, RIP GBB juvie "Kama")
    Blake (2 yrs old, owner of juvie L. parahybana "Nachos")


    • #3
      my room where the T's are kept is always around 24/28 so i dont use mats, the probe should be placed in side, and the mat on the outside on the side, never the bottom.


      • #4
        That's great, thanks both for the quick reply.

        I'm gonna need the heat mat as our house is never kept at the temp the T will need, too stingy with the oil use!!

        Joanna, I'm getting a Brachypelma albopilosum - they seem like a good choice for beginners and are good-looking spiders.




        • #5
          Jenny, you can get a starter kit thing from the spider shop with all you need including the heat mat and thermometer etc.

          they are great starter Ts hun, good choice! I don't fancy any of the brachy's myself but not for any particular reason just cos there's others I want more.

          I think you'll really enjoy your T!
          Let us know when you get him/her and show us some pics x
          Owner of:
          A. chalcodes "Rio", X.immanis "Cuervo" and OBT sling "Salsa"

          Mummy of:
          Yelina (4 yrs old, RIP GBB juvie "Kama")
          Blake (2 yrs old, owner of juvie L. parahybana "Nachos")


          • #6
            Jenny that's a great first T. I got my son a B.Albopilosum last weekend. They are really easy to care for. Mine is only a sling right now so obviously doesn't need/isn't suitable for a mat.
            I have an adult G.Rosea as well and she has no heat source, but if your house is cold, you may need it. A thermometer and hygrometer are vital so you know how conditions are inside.

