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G.Rosea substrate?

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  • G.Rosea substrate?

    When i first got my rosea, she was an impulse buy and the guy gave me a bag of bark chips for her as substrate. She walked about fine and webbed loads.
    I did some looking about and realised that chips were bad (they weren't fresh ones, but older looking ones, so no smell etc...) but i got some plain organic potting soil while i waited for some Eco Earth.
    On both the soil, and now the eco earth, she doesn't seem to settle. She sits on a flat piece of cork bark in the corner. When she does walk around, she keeps as many legs as possible on the side, with only about 2 or 3 on the floor. She spends a lot of time in the corner, up with all bar her bottom 2 legs on the side. She occasionaly pops a tiny bit of web on her bark, but no where near as much when on the chips.

    Can anyone suggest a better substrate she will be happier on? She used to be so sociable and wander around and now she just sits in one place. Shall i cave in and out her back on the chips? She seemed to like them......

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for being a pain!

  • #2
    They do tend to get a little unsettled when their enclosures are messed about with. Why not try adding a thin layer of the bark on top of the substrate you have replaced it with? See if she likes it better then.
    Boris's Diary - written by me, he might have 8 legs but he's not big enough to press the keys yet.


    • #3
      G rosea like (for the most part...there are exceptions ) dry deep natural substrate (compost, peat, topsoil, etc etc)

      I find if you pack it down and dig a little "scrape" or burrow entrance under a piece of cork bark (or similar) then that starts them off digging.
      Saying this a lot of the ones here are just in a tub with deepish dry substrate and tend to just move in from side to side during the night.

      Whatever makes them happy
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        I recently bought a female sub-adult G. rosea from a local petshop. At the petshop she was on the green reptile carpet & was in the corner with legs up like you describe. The petshops (2) near me didn't have books on Ts, but I have 19 snakes & 8 lizards so i have lots of reptile books. I had one that included some Ts & had a small amount of onfo' about G. roseas. It claimed they needed moist substrate. Thankfully I was smart enough to search the net for info' & came across a breeders' website that had care sheets. His site is how I found this forum. (I also bought 3 slings from him). I had her on orchid quality spagnum moss (not moist) to begin with. She seemed to like it. After a week I bought some soil & changed just the substrate, left all hides the same. Tessa was not happy one bit, so I gave into her & put dry spagnum moss back over the soil, she settled back to her sweet self. You will probably have to give into you rosea's preference also. I read where they are considered a "pet rock", I think the author hasn't met roseas like ours! Tessa lives in a 10 gal. aquarium & stays out in the open almost all the time.

