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hudini spider

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  • hudini spider

    not really a question or anything here, just feel like complaining about my new tarantula i got on tuesday. a c.fasciatum sling, ive been after one for ages and so happy when she finnaly arrived, put her in her new house and let her settle in, it was one of the tubs you get crickets in, went in later that night and she was no where to be seen. " Shes in her hide" i thought, went back in today (friday) to feed and what not, thought id check her out, still nowhere, opened the tub and its empty... i have no idea how it got out but i have no chance in finding her, she was about 1cm, could be anywhere... the lid was secure and their were no holes big enough for a tarantula to fit threw, she just vanashed!!!! a few words come to mind but i dont know if i can get away with repeating them on here.

  • #2
    Hi mark,
    Could it have burrowed down into the substrait?

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3
      hi there mark the same thing happened to me with a g rosa sling. hunted for hours on end in the room where my t's are kept and finaly found him when i pulled out the last drawer at the bottom of the chest. he was sitting nice and snug in his new home but unfortunatly i had to put him back in his own tub. he must have loved his little bit of freedom ha ha. all i can say is if you have a chest of drawers near by carefully pull them right out and check behind you never know good luck hope you find her.


      • #4
        That is the one disadvantage in keeping a 1cm sling in a cricket tub the little so and so's do have a knack of making a snug hide away and covering it over so you cant see the enterance.
        Just hope you checked every piece of substrate before giving up.
        If she has made good her escape then look for webbing around any cracks gaps or dark corners but at that size you will be lucky if you find her in the house
        By the way wasnt having a go at you with the size of enclosure and the spid my little beauty (see wee pic) is just touching 3 inches and is dwarfed in her pet pal type of container.



        • #5
          i checked for hides and their is none... definatly an empty tub. i am really anoyed at myself, i always put 1cm slings in the tiny tub they arrive in with a bit of substrate in and a few pin holes in the lid... the first time ive used a cricket tub for a sling. wont be doing it again. ill keep and eye out for any signs of webing.
          the cricket tub was on top of one of my b.smithi enclosures, i hope she has not managed to get in their.


          • #6
            well its been a week and stil no sign of the little git. it just seems that god ( or wich ever invisible fella is telling the angels what to do ) just dos not want me to have a c.facsiatum. oh well, ill keep looking anyway but on the up side i got two lovely new t's on the way from tss... a s/a Grammostola sp. "North" and a little juvie Brachypelma albopilosa. .... and the minuet i see signs of an escape in progress, mud down the trousers, tattooing the bluebrints of the tank on their bodys etc, their will be consiquences.


            • #7
              just hope you dont sleep with your mouth open mark you never know ha ha. after all t's like dark humid places to hide lol.


              • #8
                I nearly lost my Salmon Pink sling the other week, while feeding her. Off she went for a little wonder across the dining room table. Trouble was I thought it was an escaped cricket at first glance and nearly slammed my fist down on her, EEEK!!


                • #9
                  oh aye, never thought of the mouth while sleeping... maybe thats why i cant find her... i ate her. damn. lol.
                  lucky salmon pink, i had a friend around and she wanted to hold one of my t's so i picked he most docile one i new would give no trouble and it ended up on the floor ( it didnt fall or get droped, i had my hand close to the floor and she decided she wanted a walk ) she headed towards my friend and she panicked and went to stamp on her!!!! i rescued the t and put her safly back... i was not happy with my friend... trying to murder my fav t... tut tut.


                  • #10
                    OMG Mark! Good job you were quicker than your friend.

