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chilean rose help

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  • chilean rose help

    One of my chilean rose spiders has recently molted, (around ten days ago.)
    Since molting its been uninterested in food and seems quite aggressive and skittish?
    is this a normal charcteristic. I am quite new to the spider world and some advice/help would be fantastic.

  • #2
    I wouldnt worry tooo much about it not eating yet. Some have been known to take a few weeks or longer before finally eating after a moult. Just leave her alone and try again in a week. She may calm down over time also but some can change their temperament along with their new suits so she may stay skittish/defensive. Time will tell

    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice, my mind has been put at ease.


      • #4
        All tarantulas need time to dry out and harden up when they've moulted. Depending on the size of them this can take a while. You should see it stretching out and making some very odd shapes as it dries out. They tend to be skittish while this is happening as they are at their most vulnerable. It'll be back to it's usual self and be refusing food just for the fun of it before you know it.
        Boris's Diary - written by me, he might have 8 legs but he's not big enough to press the keys yet.

