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Smithi B on the move.

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  • Smithi B on the move.

    My smithi B has decided to totally rearrange and excavate its tank. It is eating well, couple of crickets a week, it moulted twice early this year. It has also started to climb all over the tank on the top, up the sides. My thought is it could be a male looking to mate would appreciate any input

  • #2
    An active tarantula "could" point to many different things.

    You say that the spider moulted twice this year?? for an adult B smithi this would be a little unusual as they are a slow growing species, and when they get over the four inch mark they tend to slow down to maybe a moult a year on a reasonably natural feeding regimen.
    Saying this ... nothings set in stone for spiders

    As for the idea that it may be a male looking to mate then it would have had to go through a maturing moult, this would (in the case of a B smithi) end in a slightly leggier looking specimen with the palps (the two shorter "legs" either side of the mouthparts) having "bulbs" or "boxing glove" looking ends to them.
    If you can get a picture of the spider showing this area then we could tell for definite.
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