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Encyocratella olivacea feeding stage

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  • Encyocratella olivacea feeding stage

    I cannot find much information on these and I'm trying to determine if they feed at the same stage of development as most species or require the extra time that some Poecilotheria and a few others require. Anyone know? They have exited the sac at 1st instar and should molt into 2nd instar within the next week or so. They're still with mom and I don't want to dump small crickets in there unless I know they're capable of eating them. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hi Diane,

    I am no expert and cannot really answer your question on this species but from the little I know, I have always believed that they wont normally feed till at least reaching 2nd instar. If I was unsure if they were ready to feed then I would either just put in a single small cricket and see if it disappears or do what I normally do which is to cut a larger cricket into pieces and put these in as a food source. Most spiderlings will feed using this method but it is hard to see the proof as the cricket doesnt disappear as such. I use this method if I cannot get small enough feed for my spiderlings. Anyway I hope you have good success with feeding them whichever method you use.

    There are 3 kinds of Tarantula keeper. Those that can count and those that can't.

    My Collection as of the 30.10.10

