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The new additions are here!!!

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  • The new additions are here!!!

    Well, we are now the proud owners of a 1.5 inch L.Parahybana & also a 1 inch Nhandu Carapoensis, and supercute they are too.
    They arrived this evening so they are just settling in now. I will try to get some photo's posted on here as soon as they have settled.


  • #2
    Well congratulations and welcome to the status of tarantula collector!

    Must stop being so lazy and get more pictures of mine taken and posted up.

    There are 3 kinds of Tarantula keeper. Those that can count and those that can't.

    My Collection as of the 30.10.10


    • #3

      I picked up l.parahybana spiderling last week , they are just amazing Ts settle in fast and eat well !!

      Welcome to the forum
      who ever said anything was possible has obviously never tried slamming a revolving door


      • #4
        Hi Richard & Iain (nice to meet you Iain)
        Our collection has tripled overnight!! lol. The babies seem to have settled well though they have not taken any food yet, they have both just moulted, just before they were delivered. I really want the L.Parahybana to start eating as it's abdomen is on the small side.
        Iain, how long did it take for your L.Parahybana to start eating? I know I'm a worrier....just like having kids again! lol but I will feel more happier when I know they have had a nice feed.

        Cheers, Lou


        • #5
          Well I cannot answer for Iain but mine doesnt seem to be an aggressive eater that title probably goes to my G. pulchripes (Chaco golden knee) who never leaves his food around long. Unless I know a spiderling has just moulted I wait a day then feed them a single cricket and so far everything has been fine.

          There are 3 kinds of Tarantula keeper. Those that can count and those that can't.

          My Collection as of the 30.10.10


          • #6
            Ok thanks Richard. I think I may be fretting for nothing then. I have just offered the L.parahybana a cricket but it really didnt want to know so I'll leave it be till the morning. Funny thing though, I just gave the B.smithi a cricket & she reared up for the first time ever!!! lol She has just had a moult & it seems she has suddenly turned into a diva!! lol I was surprised, made me chuckle but it's so not like her. I think she's going through the bolshy teenage years lol :/



            • #7
              Well are you sure it was not just trying to practice a Mexican wave? I always think when I see a Mexican wave at a football game on TV that perhaps it originated from someone watching a tarantula doing its fancy leg raising gesture and the rest they say is history.

              There are 3 kinds of Tarantula keeper. Those that can count and those that can't.

              My Collection as of the 30.10.10


              • #8
                Hmmmmm, you may have a point there lol, she was wearing a footy strip at the time but I thought nothing of it lol


                • #9
                  Sorry for the late reply Internet issues ..

                  My l.para started eating the day I picked her up from the shop, saying that she hasn't ate since friday but it looks like there's a moult coming up
                  Your on the right forum if you have questions or worries the people on here know there stuff

                  who ever said anything was possible has obviously never tried slamming a revolving door

