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Nhandu of genus name

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  • Nhandu of genus name

    This may or may not be of interest to people, but I was blown away by it. I got a Nhandu chromatus last week, and as I like to name my spiders using words that describe them from the native languages of their country of origin I was doing some research in to the languages of the indigenous tribes of Brazil, when I stumbled across the word for spider in one of the languages...nãndu
    “The attitude of the average person to the world they live in is completely selfish. When I take people round to see my animals, one of the first questions they ask (unless the animal is cute and appealing) is, "what use is it?" by which they mean, "what use is it to them?"...By and large, by asking the question "what use is it?" you are asking the animal to justify its existence without having justified your own.” - Gerald Durrell

  • #2
    that's awesome, i was wondering where that came from.
    I love this genus: they are big, fluffy and really striking spiders. Also crazy, but i try not to judge
    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
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