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Phormictopus cancerides wanted

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  • Phormictopus cancerides wanted

    hi guys, my little sling p.cancerides died... bad moult. i was wandering if anyone had an idea where i could pick one up, i got her from tss but i was thinkin of getting a juvie or sub adult this time... ill go back to tss and have a look... and does any one know how much i could excpect to pay for one... ill need a new house for her and am having a bad time with money latly ( car insurance costing me over 2grand ) so might have to wait awhile but thought seen as its xmass i can treat myself if the price is right.

  • #2
    Virginia Cheeseman has 3 juveniles @ £12 each



    • #3
      cool, cheers


      • #4
        you could contact spider shane on Arachnophiles, I think the ones TSS had were from his breeding, he may have some left.


        • #5
          i might just do that... not been on archnophiles before b thanx


          • #6
            I asked him and he said he does still have some although I was incorrect about TSS's slings being from his breeding, he didn't sell any to them.


            • #7
              got one deliverd this morning from virginia cheeseman and an A seemanni too! i forgot about arachnophiles, sory about that.
              their both juvies... think im gunna stop buying slings, i have had 4 c fasciatum's and all of them escaped. i keep them the same as my other slings, in the same enclosures and none of them manage a break out.

