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  • New additions

    Just had to mention about my three new additions to my collection. I went to the Spider shop today and came home with a Aphonopelma Hentzi (Oklahoma brown), a Avicularia sp "Guyana" (Guyana Pinktoe) and a H.Lividum (Colbalt Blue). The H.Lividum is certainly living up to her reputation and is as nasty as they come, lol! The Guyana is just the most sweetest little thing. I could happily own a dozen of these. Cant wait for the A.Hentzi`s gorgeous brown colouring to come through (he`s only a juvey). Anyone got any stories about their H.Lividum, I`d love to hear them.

  • #2
    Nice to hear there's an avic in amoungst that lot you won't be sorry you bought it.
    remember plenty of room for the little thing to hunt and lots of ventilation so you can keep a nice humidity going.

    My H lividum stories are a little boring, had a couple, they burrow, i saw the odd moult thrown out, food dissapears ..thats about it for me
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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    • #3
      Nice additions Carole!

      I've got 2 female H.lividum and 1 male. Their all very skittish but rarely throw a threat pose. Although I'm still a novice when it comes to caring for them, I don't think they're quite the monsters they're made out to be. Having said that, I am still very wary when it comes to tank maintenance and keep my distance.

      So no horror stories to tell just yet. Watch your fingers!

      My Collection:

