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Curly Hair - How long does the mature male live for?

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  • Curly Hair - How long does the mature male live for?

    I have Curly Hair which was purchased as a juvenile female at the BTS show in Birmingham last May. It has just moulted and is obviously a male due to the front spurs or hooks on its legs, and broader pedipalps (quite a change from it's previous form!)

    My question is this - is it now a mature male, and if so how long does it have to live? This spider is a pet and my son may get quite upset, as we were told it was a female. By the way, it has a ravenous appetite - is this normal for Curly Hair's?

    Many thanks,
    Mark E

  • #2
    Yes I am afraid it is a mature male.

    Male curly hairs can live some time after their final moult.

    With regard to it being bought as a female. It is true that some will sell a male as a female for obvious reasons and it is impossible to ensure that this practice does not go on. I get very annoyed at some guys who pick a spider up and look at it and sex it. The only true way , in my opion, is to use a skin. Lets face it, its a 50:50 chance.

    I would imagine that whover sold it you did so in good faith but had obviously made a mistake.

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