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By Request: Video of my daughter pulling an eggsac

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  • By Request: Video of my daughter pulling an eggsac

    Ok Selina has bent my arm backwards and asked me to post this video. This was taken a few weeks ago and has made her a little celebrity in the international FaceBook invert crowd.

    I had to think about whether or not to let her do this for a couple of days but I thought, well when is the best time? She has to learn at some point! She has been keeping spids for about 2 years! So I let her do it and y'know what, it was one of the most proud moments in my life, I wanted to cry with happiness that my daughter had done one of the trickiest manoeuvres in this hobby at 8 years old.

    To me she is the future of our hobby and I really hope this video has inspired non spidery parents to get their kids involved in this wonderful hobby should they show interest.

    Enjoy, peace out

    Lisa xxx
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    Excellent Lisa and you are so right. This is what its all about.

    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


    • #3
      Shes sooo cute You guys absolutely right, I think one of the most important missions is to teach the kids that these animals aren't our enemies, aren't evil and absolutely not disgusting, just another one puzzle peace from the wonderful big picture we call EARTH, including us too. Grats for the vid. Cheers - COMING SOON


      • #4
        Well she's grown a bit since the last time we saw her !!!

        Nicely done anyway, all seemed under control (well as much as you can be with a combination of animals and kiddies)

        look forward to the next one, maybe you should do a little series of them so other (sceptical) parents can get an idea of the ins and outs of whats needed to support the kids.
        There'll obviously be the minority who will curse you as a bad parent and want to burn you at the stake but hey, they're the one's who dont probably know what their kids get up to half the time
        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


        • #5
          Colin I cant believe she is 9 in a couple of months :O A series of vids seems like a good idea, even simple things like feeding and the such.... hmmmm might have to do a few more

          I was holding the camera in one hand and believe me I was ready to drop and trash my camera should the spid go on a rampage!

          But she is my little star. She knows the hotspots for centipedes and millipedes in the local area and shows her friends where they are and takes her 'field kit' out with her with the magnifying glass so her mates can have a better look. She is doing a pretty good job of educating and introducing the local kids to our native inverts.
          She has 9 tarantula's now and eyeing up my mett slings to have one of her own! She's breeding several species of beetle, stick insects.... she is well and truly in this hobby! She is just waiting on her GBB and the P.camb to molt so she can do her first T breeding projects - boy is she excited about doing them! Since she pulled the eggsac and seen our recent slings she is dying to do some sling-flicking of her own!

          But thank you all for the awesome comments, she loves to read them and it just makes her more determined to succeed in everything she does.
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding

