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Poecilotheria stories.

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  • Poecilotheria stories.

    Hello I'd like to hear about any stories good or bad of you owning , breeding ect of Poecilotheria as I'm just starting out on a P.regalis sling no2 as my first one died.So I thought that some of you pokie owners must have some great stories of what has happen to you while owning Poecilotheria.Plus any information would be helpful to future Poecilotheria owners that start out later.So any thing you feel would be funny or of value to others that want to own or maybe breed or just tell of how fast they are or what got you in to wanting a Poecilotheria! it will all be helpful when some one goes looking for threads later..What got me started was I had read so many threads on how aggressive and evil these are meant to be and thought "if these are so bad why do people own and breed them?".So I did loads of research and asked people I know that keep them and the feed back was not even close to what alot of the net had.So I then looked for breeders and was lucky to find one that had P.regalis slings and got my first pokie.The first problem I had was it was very hard to find and really hard to see on cork.It was not eating and when I thought it was .. later I found it had not.I made my first mistake when I thought to try and find it.. it landed up fooling me and went off on it's own.. some hours later when my wife came home we found it on the back of a draw.Once back in it's container it stayed till one day my wife said she had not seen it and wondered if it was dead!.. So we took every thing to our bathroom and removed all items from the container and there was no sign of life on the cork or in the substrate .. We both knew it could not get out and after my wife went through the substrate five times we both agreed it was dead.I then used our shower to double check the substrate for any movement knowing that if the little sod was fooling us this would make it move once and for all.But nothing.. And at just 1.5cm I said that's it.I got another from the breeder and can say this one is much better .. it stands out on the substrate so we can see easy where it is and has eaten also..It's not as leggy as the first and seems more calmer .. from when we had to change bamboo to cork after we both noticed mould growing on the bamboo base..No idea what the shop had used it for and I'd washed it too..But this new sling was fine all the way from running around the bath to being potted and replaced back in the container.. It now has made a hiding place under substrate with webbing..It's even come out at 5.58pm and sat there for us to see and it drinks water.So my next Poecilotheria will be a P.miranda sling.. I've been told to get a grown on as miranda are not good with humidity changes?.. John.
    Last edited by John chambers; 08-09-11, 07:47 AM.