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Haplopelma sp. "Vietnam"

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  • Haplopelma sp. "Vietnam"

    hi guys,
    im just macking an order on tss and was thinkin bout buyin one of these, it does say they are nasty " Not for the faint hearted as they are as nasty as they come. " is the exact quote, so thought id best come here first... how bad are they to keep, ive look at temp n humidity and stuff on the tss site but this will be my first really agresive spid. i have a few others that people say are bad but i always find them more skittish then owt.
    so whats peoples thoughts on this t.... any one keep one maybe share some advice... it will be a sub adult/adult ill be gettin.
    as long as she eats drinks and poses 4 the odd pic ill be happy... just thought id best ask

  • #2
    If you get in contact with Jake Marriott he is currently working with some other people on perhaps coming up with a proper species name for them. My one wasnt too bad tbh. Just a typical haplo in that it was defensive. I ended up sending it Jake.

