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  • Parahybana

    Hi folks,
    We thought that we had sold all our parahybana slings, but no, we found one this morning, in with Button, their mother. It's one lucky critter as she has an 8.1/2" leg span. The little devil must have been there since they hatched last May, we had am mass beakout in June and thought we got them all. I'm suprised she didn't eat it, I wonder if she knew it was there, it's about 1.1/4" leg span and this was the first time we saw it. Needless to say we put it in a geo and are calling it 'bloody lucky'.

    Mary Walters
    spider woman at Wilkinsons

  • #2
    Now that's a strange experience. Do you plan on keeping "bloody lucky"?


    • #3

      Hi Sirus

      It was a funny thing to find it after all this time, and it is bloody lucky. It is in it's own space now and frit to death!!! Poor thing, well, we plan on keeping it for now anyway, it might find it's way on to our table at next years show, who knows.

      Regards, Mary Walters
      spider woman at Wilkinsons


      • #4
        When you said "it might find it's way on to our table" I thought you meant you were going to dine upon it there for a second ... lol


        • #5

          Hi Sirinus

          I suppose we could keep it till xmas and have a leg each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          No, I meant it may be for sale with the miriad of slings we are currently awaiting.

          \regards, Mary
          spider woman at Wilkinsons

