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  • Help

    hi guys, found one of my t's moulting yesterday, this morning i went in and thought she had died in the attempt, about half hour ago i went to pick her up and she moved.... i think shes stuck in the old exo.... she was moulting on her side and looked to be stuck between the old legs and carapiece i managed to remove the carapiece and part of the old abdomen but it looks like she has a leg stuck what do i do i have taken away all the old exo i can without harming her but now im stuck... going to get a photo up in a sec just thought id write this first..... help please

  • #2


    • #3
      This once happened to me..... I had a p. regalis stck in a moult
      here is the thread with the advice I got....

      It is easier to link to the thread than retype out what people said...
      hope this helps.
      “The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line”


      • #4
        yeah that was help full, thanx.
        after a few hours of no replys on here i copy n pasted over to rfuk forum with a little explanation of what id done since posting here.
        id managed to cut away all the exo i could, any more will cause injury and it was taking a long time so she was probably really stressed... i found out all the legs on one side are stuck in the old moult an as this is the side she was laying on i could do little, i did try turning her gently but she was having none of it.
        i used a fine paint brush and water to brush away the old skin of her abdomen but those legs dont look good, i cant get to them and if i did two of them are fully inside the old skin the third is about half way out, she only had three legs that side cuz she lost one in her last moult two years ago.
        ill keep an eye on her and see if theirs any thing else i can do... thanx again.

