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Temperature Issues

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  • Temperature Issues

    Hi All,

    I have an S/A male A. Geniculata in a medium size Exo Terra (30x30x30) kept semi-dry but with regular light misting. On the tank wall I have a 20cm x 20cm Exo Terra Dessert heat mat connected via an Habistat. My query is this ; ignoring the thermostat setting which I have at 84 degrees max I am failing to get a temperature inside the enclosure exceeding 72 degrees.

    I was worried initially that a heat mat of that size (8 watt) would create too much heat hence the habistat, but instead, in practice I am worried that I am not getting enough heat. The T is fine in there after a moult 2 weeks ago although slightly sluggish. House temp is only around 65 degrees (can`t have it much higher on medical grounds).

    Is the heat mat functioning correctly and if so how am I ever going to be able to keep T`s that require high temps like the Pokey`s etc ? My other T`s are Gram. Concepcion and C. Cyneopubescence and B. Smithi all of which are fine of course with temps in the 70`s.

    Any advice on raising the temps without heating the house greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Dont worry about it. Your heat mat is working fine. You wont get that much heat at all off an 8 watt mat but theyr fine for heating individual tanks. Its always a good idea to use a thermostat using any heating device just incase.

    Regarding temperature for your spiders. Dont worry about trying to get everything spot on and different temps for different species etc. Its well known that tarantulas are extremely adaptable and they will thrive in temperatures that their keeper is comfortable with, unless your an eskimo. You dont need any artificial heating at all unless your house is like the arctic. The only time id say you would use artificial heating is for breeding purposes, raising spiderlings past their vulnerable stage when really young or if you want your spiders to have faster metabolisms and grow faster. Spiders arnt like humans. They react accordingly to the temp around them.
    I didnt use heating at all for years and the room was between 18 and 22 degrees. Spiders of all species grew fine and thrived. Now im breeding i heat the room or use a large heat mat behind a whole row of my spiders. The book 'the tarantula keepers guide' explains all this in detail also.
    Hope this helps a bit.
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    ‘It seems to me that the issue of conservation of the natural world is something that can unite humanity if people know enough about it. Persuade them to change the way in which they behave, to change the view that gross materialism and the search for material wealth is not the only thing in life.’


    • #3
      I own a sub adult Female A geniculata and have had her now for almost a year I have never heated her or any of my T's other than via central heating when the whole house is cold

      I have had no problems with temperatures hitting as low as 20c sometimes, this hasnt affected her or any of my other T's and have heard from many sources that heat mats are not reccomended and a ceramic heater is the prefererd method to providing/maintaining heat specially for a number of T's

      That said if your comfortable with the temperature generall rule of thumb is they will be too!

      Im still a novice myself so feel free to correct me if im wrong but has done my collectuion no harm


      • #4
        Thank you for youir input, I value it all.

