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problem after molt

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  • problem after molt

    hi everyone i need some help. my female brazilopelma colloratvillosum molted yesterday and all looks really well apart from what i can only describe as what looks like either a small fungal infection on part of her abdomen or it might be part of the old molt stuck there. i did try to use Luke warm water on a cotton bud to try and remove it but as soon as i got close she wouldn't let me near her. i don't see how it could be a fungal infection as she was fine before the molt no signs of any problems. it's about the size of half a finger nail of the small finger.would it be ok to just leave her be and let it sort it's self as it looks like it wont come away that easy. sorry i cant get a photo to show you as i have try'de before many times and just keep having trouble. hopefully my description will be enough to resolve this problem thank's.

  • #2
    Its hard to answer without seeing a photo but what your discribing could possibly this -
    My wise P.regalis once said to me
    "I never met a Pokie I didn't like"


    • #3
      hi Paul thanks for your reply but unfortunately it's not what was shown in the photos you found i do really appreciate your help though. it looks more like a wart again i can only apologize for not being able to get a photo on here. thank again though mate.

