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A Message from Head Office

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  • A Message from Head Office

    Since its inception in 1986 the BTS has always strived to stay at the forefront of the tarantula keeping hobby here in the United Kingdom. It has not been an easy journey. With any organisation there are problems and we are no different. In my own opinion the key to our longevity has always been the hard work and the commitment of the serving officers. The BTS members are second to none and the loyalty they have shown the club over the years is to be admired. The BTS Exhibition (in its 28th year) is always wellsupported and the BTS lectures, now in their unbelievable 11th year,go from strength to strength. In 2012 we made a few momentous decisions. In the light of ever-rising postage costs we decided to publish three journals per volume instead of the previous four. Members would not lose out as the same amount of pages would still be present in each volume as in previous volumes. Secondly,we looked at the general layout of the journal and decided it needed a face lift to keep it fresh, competitive and relevant in today’s hobby. Volume 28 No 1 hasr ecently been published and initial feedback is very positive. By reducing the number of issues per volume we have made a considerable printing saving but wehave incurred extra postage costs as the new journal is thicker. We now need to build for the future, we need to capitalise on the new look journal to allow us to move the BTS forward and continue to be able to organise the BTS Exhibition and remain the best tarantula society in the World. We have thought long and hard about the future of the club and feel that if we are to continue to be able to serve the hobby then we have to increase membership subscriptions. Fees have not changed for well over ten years as we have tried desperately to offset fees against income from shows and events.

    The new fees for 2013 will be from Volume28 no 2.

    United Kingdom: £20
    (Postage here has increased by astaggering %110 from £0.44 to £0.92)
    Europe: £ 25
    (Postage has increased from £1.96to £2.71)
    Rest of World: £30
    (Postage has increased from £3.13to £3.64)

    We feel that this is in line withother organisations and still well below the percentage increase of the postalcharges. We also believe that any increase should be clear and transparent. The new charges will allow us to confirm a future for the club, develop and continue to improve the new journal and above all serve the BTS members as we have always done.We will be sending out renewals very soon and hope you will continue to support the BTS.
    Volume 28 no 1 has just been published. If you choose to renew now then we will hold the price at the old rate. Your subscription will not be affected and you will still recieve the correct number of issues. We are at SEAS show so please come and renew there.

    Ray Hale
    Last edited by Ray Hale; 21-01-13, 07:01 PM.
    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

  • #2
    Re: A Message from Head Office

    I am happy to pay the extra if the journals continue to be as good as the last!

    A quick question. I just renewed my membership in December so do I pay you guys the extra £5 or will it be £20 next renewal date?

    Thanks Ray.



    • #3
      Thanks Mike but it will be from the next renewal. Its been a hard decision but thanks for the offer.

      British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

      The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
      [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


      • #4
        Completely understandable and still well worth it.

