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Weird behaviour

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  • Weird behaviour

    I've had my g rosea for at least 5 months and the whole time she's been predictable until a week ago and still going she uses her hide and has stared to dig in a corner far from her hide and has webbed up a lot to the point wear she might as well be a gbb

  • #2
    What size is she? Is she Wild caught? Maybe an impending moult... Or, in my case, I got an eggsack.


    • #3
      She's about I would say near 4 inches and she molted a month after I got her and on that note I have a avic avic she molted about 7 months ago is about same size as g rosea and seems to never really do much and seems to only wanna eat ever 2 to 3 weeks how often do they molt


      • #4
        She shouldn't be due a moult again yet. Grammys are particularly slow growers. You shouldn't have an eggsack either, as any sperm she may have been storing, will have been lost with the moult. She's maybe just rearranging her home. Are you 100% sure it's female?


        • #5
          I had someone check but I lost the molt so will wait till next one but how often do avics molt she did 7 months ago and is acting odd

