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  • Please Help

    I have and adult Female P.Rufilata which has had a bad molt. the legs are all free the fangs are free and all look ok, the areas which were stuck and i have manged to remove are the Carpace, and the top and the venteral side of the abdomen. the Bit which is stuck, is around the spinnerets. I have removed her from her exo terra viv into a clean cricket tub which his now lined with damp kitchen towl and placed her in a dark area of my T room.

    I have tried to remove the the remainder of the abdomen which is stuck around the spinnerets but i dont want to pull to hard just in case i cause more damage. should i wait unitl her skin has hardend and then try to remove



  • #2
    Hi Craig, I have had this happen to me before. There isnt a lot you can do. You seem to have it under control. Often the spider will over a short period remove the skin herself. I know it looks unpleasant but let her harden off and regain her strength and she might well shake it off by herself. Whatever happens let us know

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    • #3
      I wouldnt be too concerned tbh. The important bits are free so she will be fine


      • #4
        Hi all thanks for the advice, however I am still a little concerned as the top and the ventral side of the abdomen is all clumped up around the spinnerets and is trailing behind her. I think I will wait foe the skin to harden before attempting anymore. but what I am concerned about is will the T still be able to pass excrement with all this clumped up behind her also it dose not look right and it feels cruel


        • #5
          If the worst comes to the worst she will drop her spinneretes to lose the shed.

