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Some of the latest arrivals...

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  • Some of the latest arrivals...

    The collection of Poecilotheria, did start to write down which was which as i was taking them but got lost! They are all so similar at the moment coz they're so young!! In some you can see the labels anyway!

    I love this photo here though, you can practically see the cricket pleading for it's life! lol

    I know this one is P, regalis!

    Psalmopeous pulcher

    Pterinochilus murinus (barely see it but it's surrounded by cricket body parts!)

    Thrixopelma pruriens

    Cyclosternum Fasciatum

    Chomatopelma cyaneopubescens

    Bonnetina rufflata

    A, versicolor

    The camera flash has brought out the colour as i could not see it with the naked eye

  • #2
    Very nice, I especially like the GBB and A. versicolour.
    Im not going to be getting any more slings for the time being, maybe once the kids have grown up a bit!!

    But I am looking into a few possibilites to buy this week.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
      Very nice, I especially like the GBB and A. versicolour.
      Im not going to be getting any more slings for the time being, maybe once the kids have grown up a bit!!

      But I am looking into a few possibilites to buy this week.

      Haha, fair enough! I need to stop, I'm like any normal girl would be with handbags and shoes!! The credit card balance is looking a little scary now...

      I'm trying to hold out now for some of the rarer or more unusual/colourful species that come up for grabs.

      I am very pleased with the GBB and the Avic though, amazing colours on them both. The the little avic has now webbed up the top of her pot so it's a nightmare to get in to mist and feed it!! Bless, it's sooo wee!

      Hope you are ok and that your little ones are doing well?

      I see you are still waiting for a moult. Did you see my thread about the little curly hair I have who did his in secret!! Little so and so!


      • #4
        Did you see my thread about the little curly hair I have who did his in secret!! Little so and so!
        I did yes lol. Well all but 2 of my T's are refusing food atm so we'll have to see.



        • #5
          Oooooh! Exciting!

          My A, chacoana has refused food too and that's got to be due a moult so here's hoping!!!

          Keep me posted! I want pics!

          Any news on what you 'might' be getting this week?

          And what's your total so far (What species do you have to date?) has the A, genic adult settled in?


          • #6
            My total as of today is 10, The Juv A. genic has settled in nicely. Hasnt eaten yet but her abdomen has gone really dark, so could be in premolt.

            Im possibly getting a 3" GBB this week, either that or a 3" C. fasciatum. The same shop has a 3.5" A. versicolour but £80 is a tad steep!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
              My total as of today is 10, The Juv A. genic has settled in nicely. Hasnt eaten yet but her abdomen has gone really dark, so could be in premolt.

              Im possibly getting a 3" GBB this week, either that or a 3" C. fasciatum. The same shop has a 3.5" A. versicolour but £80 is a tad steep!!!!

              Oooooh! I agree with the price on the Avic though, phew!
              Which shop you looking at?

              I have been speaking to some people advertising on the BTS Bulletin Board about some Cyriopagopus sp 'Singapore Blue' as I have been wanting one of these for a while. Fingers crossed.

              Was doing the rounds last night, misting pots and feeding where required and came across this..

              Don't worry, it's not a carcass!!

              It's my P, formosa.

              Seems it may have settled in better and earlier than I thought as this has moulted and they only arrived with me on Saturday!!

              Here it is sat in it's tube


              • #8
                Johanna what are you feeding your tarantulas ( not that they are fat or nout ) just that i have quite a few slings and would just like to know, also.. if it is micro crickets then how to you keep them alive for long and how do you get them into cage>>?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Daniel Carpenter View Post
                  Johanna what are you feeding your tarantulas ( not that they are fat or nout ) just that i have quite a few slings and would just like to know, also.. if it is micro crickets then how to you keep them alive for long and how do you get them into cage>>?

                  Hi Dan
                  Tend to use micro crickets although contemplating trying squat maggots??

                  I have bought black adults that are egg bound and get them to lay to keep stock turning over but it's a pain in the butt!

                  I buy them in the tubs as micro crickets, keep them in the tubs but drop some leafy foods in or bug gel to keep them hydrated.
                  Then to 'serve them up' I open one corner of the cricket tub so that it's barely open a tiny bit, then I tap the crickets into the small spider pots.

                  Sometimes I have one or two that get out but can usually splat them before they go too far.
                  Secret is to do it somewhere with good light too, lathough the spiders don't like too much light they don't seem too phased by it. That way you can see what's falling into the pots and have some kind of control over the amounts...

                  Hope this helps??



                  • #10
                    cheers joe, i have tried feeding micos to my T's many ways and always find it a real pain ...( thats why it is so nice when they get bigger and can eat adult cricks....
                    P.s where do you buy this bug gel ?? i have never heard of it before ...only the normal dust to *dust* them with.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Daniel Carpenter View Post
                      P.s where do you buy this bug gel ?? i have never heard of it before ...only the normal dust to *dust* them with.

                      It's crystals that you add to water and they swell and create a gel that the crickets can obtain their water from.
                      I buy all my T & Reptile food from and they sell it (amongst lots of other things)

                      Lee's cricket keepers are also another fabulous invention ;0)

