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P. fasciatas

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  • P. fasciatas

    I thought I would post some pics of my new pokies, starting with the pair of fasciatas.

    Firstly this is the setup they're in, its a spilt tank each side has its own lid.

    They both seemed to have settled in nicely and have webbed up the top of the bamboo.

    And here is one of the little darlings.

    The pic above is of Pinky, I've named them pinky and Perky!!!!

  • #2
    Nice spiders Mike

    I have one about the same sort of size by the look of it. Good feeder, occaisionally comes out and gives me the honour of seeing it!! lol!

    Bet you're chuffed with 'em though?

    How did you get on with the others and the issues you were having transferring them afterwards?


    • #3
      It was a nightmare lol. Im probably only going to keep the 2 fasciatas and maybe bring the others to the BTS show for anyone that wants them, for a trade of course. But theres no way im going to try and get them packed for shipping!!!!


      • #4
        Hi Mike,
        Don't give up on them just yet. If you're still having trouble try getting in touch with Ray Gabriel or one of the BTS committee. They have been a great help to me when I've had bother so I can really recommend contacting them.
        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

