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Hamplopema lividum AF and new arrival

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  • Hamplopema lividum AF and new arrival

    I thought I should start a new thread for my H. lividum, so I can update it when I have some new pics.

    And a HUGE thanks to Colin D Wilson for my next new arrival, my first scorp and a little stunner!!!

  • #2
    Glad he got there ok Mike.

    so that's spider and scorpion done, just jamming and fishing to go !!
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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    • #3
      Yay , you got one at last Mike !!

      lovely spider mate , mind your fingers

      Great photos too !


      • #4
        Cheers Colin and Neil, Mind you fingers indeed!! lol Nah no probs yet, shes now in the burrow I started and webbed over the top. Just cleaned all the water bowls and put fresh water in and the only trouble maker was my L. parahybana!!! Tried to move her away and she span round and tried to attack the tweezers!!
        Last edited by mike halewood; 27-06-07, 01:46 PM. Reason: spelling


        • #5
          Nice spider there,are these cobalt blues as fearsome as some make out? Love the little scorp too,would love one one day
          My Collection: - Spiders are everywhere, so live with it
          Ray Gabriel

