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My little gang T's...............

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  • My little gang T's...............

    As havent been collecting long thought id post a few pics , heres mine, the chile rose passed away some months ago but was family lol, also a B.Klassi and a P. Regalis
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  • #2
    Those are some pretty photos Mark...I love the B.Klaasi, I think it's the fluffy legs that do it for me! lol


    • #3
      new additions

      My Brazilian black and white about 6 months, she wasn't keen on going straight in her home lol

      Moderators note: The BTS has a non handling policy and does not encourage the handling of tarantulas, for the safety of the tarantula and the *owner. We also understand that people have different opinions on this subject and from time to time handling may be necessary and accidental. However rule 10 of this forum states.

      "(10) Photographs and gallery images; please refrain from posting images of handling this only encourages such activities and there a lot of younger patrons on this forum that may influenced by such images and may attempt handling unnecessarily and as a result injure the tarantula or themselves."

      This image could be viewed as intentional handling, but shall remain unless administration prefer it to be removed.

      Mexican red knee, also 6 months

      Last edited by Colin D Wilson; 07-01-08, 10:53 PM. Reason: BTS rule 10 (handling policy) advisory

