My son started us off buying a Poecilotheria pederseni 5 months ago. She's called Enn and has amazed us by her growth rate.
P. pederseni when she first arrived
And now
I then decided to buy myself a Pterinochilus murinus Usambara. I named her Zera. She has built the most amazing web tunnel and spends most of her time guarding the entrance.
P. murinus Usambara
Along with Zera I was given a tiny Cyclosternum fasciatum now known as The Thing. We don't see much of Thing but I did manage to get this pic
Just 5 days ago I bought a Poecilotheria metallica sling named Trip but have yet to get a decent pic. He/she has already built a web but it's right at the top of the tub near the lid so opening long enough to get a shot without it escaping isn't easy.
A gold star for anyone who can guess why it's called Trip!!!!!
P. pederseni when she first arrived
And now
I then decided to buy myself a Pterinochilus murinus Usambara. I named her Zera. She has built the most amazing web tunnel and spends most of her time guarding the entrance.
P. murinus Usambara
Along with Zera I was given a tiny Cyclosternum fasciatum now known as The Thing. We don't see much of Thing but I did manage to get this pic
Just 5 days ago I bought a Poecilotheria metallica sling named Trip but have yet to get a decent pic. He/she has already built a web but it's right at the top of the tub near the lid so opening long enough to get a shot without it escaping isn't easy.
A gold star for anyone who can guess why it's called Trip!!!!!