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BTS Merchandise

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Adam Smith (pe@nut) View Post
    Chances are there will be people going to the show who are from Wales or that will pass your area you could find out if anyones driving up and get a life.
    Ha ha you really have it in for me don't you!

    I'll see what's going on, I do have other things happening at the moment (Neighbour from hell, trying to do up house and get shot of it, waste of space boyfriend living with me to get rid of) so it's a bit hectic with me at the moment!

    Will certainly keep my ear to the ground though


    • #17
      It could be an ideal break, make a weekend of it for a "little me time" lol. I just know that there will be more people than you realise keeping spiders that could be round your area. Try the local exotic pet shops if they go up as im sure they will. If not take a trip to Hamm in germany and have a holiday at the same time. thats not til September.


      • #18
        I think you meant 'get a lift' not 'get a life' in your previous post Adam

        My Collection:


        • #19
          ooops! My bad lol. Yes I meant to say "lift" not "life" Is my face red.


          • #20
            HAHAHAHAHAHA Fantastic!

            Love it!

            Brought a smile to my face in my crazy day today!

            I may well post a thread about potential lifts then!

            I think I'm scared to go as I will buy MORE spiders!!!

            Cheers guys - appreciate the support and the push in the right direction!!!


            • #21
              I think its everyones initial worry buying more spiders than they intended and at really low prices its tempting. This year I intend to buy mroe juveniles and sub adults waiting for slings to grow is pain staking. I got 2 Brach klassi and still small slings. Its well worth going and you get to know ppl who like spiders

