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I lost my juv T, blondi......

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  • #16
    Totally of the topic of spiders, my daughter bought me home 4 baby emperor scorpions ( I also have 2 adult emperors, 1 Arizona Desert and 1 Banded), 3 of which looked like they were going to moult. Anyway, after looking after them for a couple of weeks 1 of the pre-moult died and I was really gutted as I also wondered what I'd done wrong. Now totally paranoid I kept a good eye on them, but I lost the other 2
    pre-moults. Now I'm only left with 1 baby who seems to be doing well. I thought I'd done something wrong when the first 2 died but when the 3rd died I just thought that it was 'one of those things'. Neither myself or my daughter could think of anything that I had done wrong.

    I am sorry for the loss of your T and maybe it was 'just one of those things'
    B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
    C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
    L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
    P. irminia - P. murinus


    • #17
      Again, thanks all for getting in touch and it's amazing the support here!
      I guess I am going to have to put it down to experience and i suppose with the number of spiders I have at the moment it was only a matter of time really before one 'popped it's clogs'

      I have a smaller juv which actually arrived the day this one died, completely different character (the original guy was sooo laid back) as this one was quite jumpy and seems quite agressive! Still settling in though, just hope that I don't have any problems with this one!

      Thanks for all your support though

      Big kiss X


      • #18
        I had a blondi that was going into ultimate moult, it died as the carapace spilt.

        As for the moulting on it's feet I had 3 in three days last year do it, all different sp.
        spider woman at Wilkinsons


        • #19
          OMG you must have been devastated with that Blondi after all that time!? But makes me feel better that these things can sometimes happen!

          Yeah I hear they can successfully moult upright but it just means it's harder work I believe as they have to work against gravity...

