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Sling question

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  • Sling question

    I have noticed that my tiny G. aureo sling's carapace is getting darker. Do they get darker like this just before a moult? The legs are still a creamy colour so if it is going to moult it wont be for a while yet. How often do they moult at this 1.5cm size? He eats well for a little un, normally a pinhead cricket every second day and sometimes a micro mealworm also. I did see a little bit of webbing on top of the substrate, kind of like a little circle. Is that his feeding mat?
    He is quite an active little guy and is out in the open most of the time. He doesnt us his burrrow much so at least I get to see him all the time.


    Give me all your Avics !!!!!

  • #2
    I find it quite hard to tell when the little 'uns are due to moult - unless they have flicked a lot of hair off their abdomen and you can clearly see the darkening of the new hair underneath (I can only tell the darkening abdomen on baldy bums!)

    They tend to moult every 3-5 weeks at that size, that's what I have found anyway and that's even without feeding them up to try and get them to grow quicker (It doesn't really make them get any bigger any quicker from what I have found anyway, not sure what others think)

    Mine are being fed a couple of pinhead crickets and/or micro mealworms (If they'll take them) every couple of days or so. This is sufficient and so long as they are misted regularly they are happy!

    I do find certain species will web up a moult mat when they are nearer the time but certain species more than others (My C, fasciatum for instance)


    • #3
      Thanks Johanna

      I see what you mean about not really being able to tell by the abdomen. This little one has always had a really dark abdomen but the carapace is certainly darkening over the last couple of days.

      I dont want to be feeding him loads just to get him to grow quicker. I would rather he grew at the right rate than trying to hurry things along. He is eating around 4 pinhead crickets and 1 or 2 micro mealworms per week. Is that too much or ok for him?

      I saw him drink from the side of his tub the other day which was cool.

      I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing by this little guy. He is just so precious


      Give me all your Avics !!!!!


      • #4
        I think you're lucky in that you have picked a relatively good species to start with, I feed mine quite regularly compared to most in the belief that they will only eat what they need but I know some species will eat until they look fit to pop!

        All my smaller slings eat what they need, the one with the biggest appetite is the P, murinus and I have slowed down what I give that because it gorges itself!

        Sounds like you're doing ok though!

        They are like little precious babies at that size though, my friends don't understand when I get all goey about them!

        I was lucky enough to see the P, murinus moult last weekend from start to finish - that was fascinating!


        • #5
          I'm glad there is at least one person who understands the going gooey over a sling lol. My family and friends think I'm mad.

          I must have been fabulous to watch your P. murinus moult. I cant wait to see mine go through a moult but on the other hands I'm also apprehensive incase something goes wrong.

          Thanks for the encouragement Johanna.


          Give me all your Avics !!!!!


          • #6
            ElaineJust wanted to know where you get your pin head crickets, and m mealworms.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Richard Simmonds View Post
              ElaineJust wanted to know where you get your pin head crickets, and m mealworms.
              Hi Richard
              I get my pinheads crickets at a shop called Aquacadabra in Edinburgh along with larger crickets. I can also get the micro mealworms there but bought my first lot online at where you can also buy small silent crickets that are about 4-5mm.
              They delivered quickly and I paid through paypal.
              Those mealworms are horrible though and give me the heebie jeebies


              Give me all your Avics !!!!!


              • #8
                Richard - I get all my foods (Live and frozen) from

                These guys are ace!

                They do all sizes of crickets both black and brown, mealworms from micro to giant, fruitflies, waxworms and the frozen rep food etc too.

                Also got some good equipment on there as well.

                Good fast turnaround on orders too.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Elaine Ross View Post
                  I must have been fabulous to watch your P. murinus moult. I cant wait to see mine go through a moult but on the other hands I'm also apprehensive incase something goes wrong.


                  Don't panic too much, I had a bad patch where I lost my Theraphosa blondi during moult and also my Theraphosa apophysis about 2 weeks later to the same thing!! - I was devastated as you can imagine and thought I was 'a bad mum' and had done something wrong.
                  With the law of averages and bearing in mind natural selection in the wild I suppose it was just one of those things, before and after that happened I have had over 25 seperate moults of Tarantulas varying in size from 1cm to 5", take place in my care and all have gone peachy!!

                  It's a case of regular checking and making sure they are misted and kept humid (Not too damp) although it is also dependant on their natural environment in the wild.

                  And to see the whole P, murinus moult was a very special and very well timed thing as I have missed all the other spiders in my care doing it!!


                  • #10
                    I will try hard not to panic but if I do then I'll know where to come lol.

                    I hope I get the chance to watch the moult but it will be just the thing for it to do it all while I'm asleep.

                    I have read a few post on various forum of late about the Theraposid's having difficulties during moulting. I'm sorry you lost two. I think I would have been heartbroken too.

                    I'm also pleased you have so many moult successfully. That makes me feel a bit better.


                    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Johanna McMullen View Post
                      And to see the whole P, murinus moult was a very special and very well timed thing as I have missed all the other spiders in my care doing it!!
                      I've STILL yet to catch one of my lot (this time round of having a collection) moulting, the last hope i had was my A avic, it built a little hammock but then decided to join that to the tube web and dissapear inside. couldn't tell you what it's doing in there, the webbing is so thick.

                      I think i'm going to buy a sling, keep it on tissue paper in a little tub and selotape it to my face (it would still probably do it when i was asleep)


                      • #12
                        well thank you ladies, i will try both.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
                          I think i'm going to buy a sling, keep it on tissue paper in a little tub and selotape it to my face (it would still probably do it when i was asleep)

                          I think I just soiled myself! Rflmao! That's fantastic! It would do it over a period of weeks just a bit at a time everytime you blink! lol!

                          Priceless, you have the same mentality as me Colin, fair do's!!

                          Yeah I was lucky to catch this fella in the act, wasn't even prepared for it to be moulting as I had chosen to starve it myself for a few days before it burst!! Eats like a horse!
                          Just so happened I was poodling around upstairs and as usual I can't seem to walk into my bedroom without going through and checking every single one of them hasn't done anything amazing since the last time I checked (5 minutes ago!! lol)

                          Problem is, I keep them in those larger/taller spider pots that Lee sells and the plastic ain't too great for clear visibility in them, team this up with the extra webbing for the occaision on top of what they throw around their homes anyway (and the fact that being a P, murinus there was no way I was mucking about without a lid on!) I couldn't really get a good enough view/picture to film it.

                          Oh, and I have still to try and fit my firewire card to this PC and find my DV cable so even if I did get some fab film I wouldn't be able to post it here anyway!

                          Rubbish eh!?


                          • #14
                            Well when my B. smithi molted I knew it was coming, and missed it due to being at work. Although it was my Dads fault I did miss it.
                            When I was at work I got a text from my Dad telling me Vala (B. smithi) had flipped I got up dates through out the day, and it was all done before I got home.
                            What he didnt tell me is that he had noticed that she had flipped before I left for work and didnt tell me so I wouldn't phone in sick!! As if i would !!! lol

                            Last edited by mike halewood; 04-05-07, 07:47 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
                              Well when my B. smithi molted I knew it was coming, and missed it due to being at work. Although it was my Dads fault I did miss it.
                              When I was at work I got a text from my Dad telling me Vala (B. smithi) had flipped I got up dates through out the day, and it was all done before I got home.
                              What he didnt tell me is that he had noticed that she had flipped before I left for work and didnt tell me so I wouldn't phone in sick!! As if i would !!! lol


                              The lengths we would go to for the sake of our 'art'! lol

