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BTS Lectures and Dinner weekend

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ray Hale View Post
    Thats not fair Phil, I miss old Chris.

    Im running out of photos to show people..

    Great day out though. Excellent lectures and good company.

    Well done to Mark and Kim

    Ray and Ang

    if you run out of photos ray, i am sure there are hundereds of different ones floating about that you can borrow off other people, it was like a who's got the biggest lens competition all day, i could hardly see after the lectures due to the amount of flashes that were going off lol

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #17
      Was my first lectures and i enjoyed every minute of it! The lectures were fab and met some new and interesting people!! Definately going again next year! Big thanks to all the organisers!


      • #18
        Well done to Mark and Kim and everyone else involved. Hope I can be there next year too, had a great time. Thanks!
        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


        • #19
          gutted i couldn't come! can't wait to hear new data about Solifugids.
          Mark, i'll PM you regarding the DVD.
          glad everyone had fun!
          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
          -Martin Luther King Jr.

          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


          • #20
            Hope the back is ok mate. see you at the Expo.
            Cheers and like hell will I be there I would rather go on holiday.
            Have to wait until the next lectures for that kicking.

            don't bother, it was great without you

            yeah right eddy you cried your little heart out at my sad news.

            @ Ray how did the photo go down?


            cya next.....maybe!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post

              @ Ray how did the photo go down?


              cya next.....maybe!
              The photo was excellent and went down well!

              I think we have some images of Ray and I doing that presentation.. not sure but will be posting all the images I have later tonight.


              Serious Ink tattoo studio -
              Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


              • #22
                What a photo Chris. the look on JM's face was worth it.

                Thanks again mate and hope to see you both soon

                British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                • #23
                  This was my first time at the lectures and it certainly wont be the last , i wasnt quite sure what to expect but i had a fab time , it was great to see some old faces and meet some new , all of the lectures was very intresting indeed and the food was excellant

                  Thanks to all involved in organising the event , look forward to next year


                  • #24
                    Thanks everyone for the kind comments, it was a great weekend and so nice to meet everyone, myself and Kim were absolutely worn out by Sunday afternoon...

                    It was great to catch up with everyone and much nicer to talk face to face. I tried to speak to everyone but I think I failed.

                    Can't wait to do it all again next year! 28/02/09

                    I have added the images to the BTS gallery
                    , they need to be put in order but I sort that later.
                    Also a preview of Andrew's excellent lecture DVD can be found here, and I am trying to this out for sale on the BTS store.

                    Thank you to all and this event would be nothing without all you who turned up to support it and take part.

                    Also a special thanks to our Lecturers.

                    In Order:
                    Jenny Dobson
                    Paul Carpenter
                    Boris Striffler ( Boris you know your welcome back any time)
                    and last but not least

                    Dr. Fernando Perez-Miles

                    And of course Andrew Smith who delivered a one of the finest lectures I have heard him do in ages, a new level even in Andrews very high standards.

                    It was a record attendance for us this year with 70 booked but only 66 being able to make it. Also we have taken the un-presidented steps of finalising the date for 2009 and have today received our first registration...

                    Now that is amazing!

                    P.S If anyone has images please post them, especially funny ones or the ones taken without people knowing, these capture the essence of the day much better I feel.
                    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 26-02-08, 07:19 AM. Reason: added stuff

                    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #25

                      What a time, in a way i am glad its only once per year, thanks to all for the organisation and the speakers for thier info.

                      it was great to meet LOADS of new people, Carli (loved the piercings), Gemma (i still have slings for sale), Mark Pajak and Mrs Mark (glad you got some advice on your research), Toran good to see you again, Michael O and Mrs Michael O (he didnt buy that many spids), sorry for those whose names dont spring to mind, it was also great to see the old faces, the very old faces and the very very old faces (notice no names given).

                      Hope to see you all there next year ( and a few of you who couldnt make it this year, (pre booked holidays my hamster)

                      See you later back to recovery



                      • #26
                        Had a fantastic time, thanks to all involved and to the speakers and Ray, I'll bring more cash next year


                        • #27
                          "I take cheques and do a postal service....."he said rubbing his lobes

                          Just clicked are you Gemma with the green t shirt?

                          Last edited by Ray Gabriel; 27-02-08, 01:08 AM.


                          • #28
                            That's me


                            • #29
                              Had a great weekend, my first but not my last! It was good to meet so many people face to face, many for the first time. Big thanks to Kim and Mark for organizing this weekend, and to all the speakers who attended and who helped make this event so enjoyable. (I really didn't buy that many spids). Mike

                              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ray Gabriel View Post
                                "I take cheques and do a postal service....."he said rubbing his lobes

                                Just clicked are you Gemma with the green t shirt?

                                Ray, do you have any more of those Avic fasciculata's?
                                Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                                -Martin Luther King Jr.

                                <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                                My Collection: - Support captive breeding

