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green bottle blue

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  • green bottle blue

    im interested in buyin a GBB but wanna now a few things first???lol
    ar they agressive???
    ar they easy to keep ??
    iv been looking across the internet and i think the GBB is a gorgeous tarantula and really want 1 lol

  • #2
    I've been thinking the same thing, but cannot find any for sale from the usual outlets.

    I hope you find this helpful

    It would seem they can be quite skittish, fast and frequent hair kickers from what I can understand. They also like to lay down a lot of webbing.
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      Apart from private individual sales the only online seller I know of with any in stock currently is Virginia Cheeseman. Priced at £20.00 for slings though isn't exactly cheap, so unless you absolutley must have one, it could be worth waiting until the next batch come about.

      Entomological Supplier of Spiders, Tarantualas and other Bugs and Insects

      My Collection: - Support CB


      • #4
        The BTS show is not long now. The money you save getting your GBB there will go quite a few miles towards the petrol


        • #5
          The thing is I cannot make the BTS show as it is the same day as my son's 4th birthday and the Newark show is just around the time our second child will be making it's entrance (or exit!). So I'll have to wait until Newark in December before I can make a show.
          I waited well over a year to get my first spider, so I'm sure I can wait a bit longer for my second.
          Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


          • #6
            oki doki lol

            ok en any 1 got any expireance with giant white knees lol sorry bout the spelling
            still in school and still learning lmao or any expireances with flame knees??
            Last edited by Rhys Wiliiams; 12-03-08, 08:00 PM.


            • #7
              If you can get a GBB they are great. They must be the easiest species to keep, really tough little spiders that don't need any fancy care even as babies. Grow quickly, eat like monsters, and look awesome. They are fast and can be skittish but are not at all bitey and hardly ever even flick hairs.

              I think I might start a GBB fan club, I always seem to be singing their praises any time I hear someone mention them

              Giant White Knees I assume are A. geniculata, in which case I have experience but mine is only 2cm big at the moment, lol. From what I've read they eat a lot and are pretty easy to keep, but some can be pretty moody and big hair flickers.


              • #8
                my male did kick hairs. he was very shy and nervous. but i still insist they are a great pet, and certainly not as defensive (rather than aggressive) as a few other species i could name.
                i'd fully recommend this species, they're beautiful and easy to care for...and their webbing is interesting and cool too!
                Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                -Martin Luther King Jr.

                <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                • #9
                  Hi Rhys,

                  very good choice for a T.

                  I would join Kate's Fan club any day.

                  Like you say, they have got beautiful colours and they produce lots and lots of fascinating webbing. Mine has just build a little indian style tipi out of web with an entry hole at the bottom

                  In regards to your questions:

                  They are very easy to keep, needing lower temps than the average Tarantula and less humidity. Room temps of 21 degrees during the day are fine and humidity should be of no concern here in the UK.

                  I would recommend a slightly taller enclosure for this Tarantula and some branches so it can attach its webbing and make web hammocks all over.

                  It is considered semi-arboreal, sometimes hanging out on the ground, sometimes chilling in its web.

                  I would not consider it particulary aggressive and I wouldn't be afraid of it suddenly making a dash for freedom, it is not that skittish but it is not a slow mover either.

                  If you ask me, that is what makes it such a great Tarantula, looks proper hard when attacking a bug at lightning speed but easy to handle at the same time.

                  as far as I know are selling GBB slings

                  nope, fraid they have sold them all.
                  Last edited by Tom Forman; 13-03-08, 03:20 PM.
                  <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


                  • #10
                    last year at the bts show, i waited till towards the end of the day and managed to pick up an unsexed juvie gbb for 5 quid, cnt b bad, may be worth the wait

                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      Very beautiful Tthat is not aggresive but rather nervous (hair flicker). Ihave about a hundred 1st instars ready to go .
                      I'll post some pics on Monday

                      p.s. I'm going to sell them for about 10 Pounds
                      Last edited by Taki Tsonis; 14-03-08, 04:28 AM. Reason: p.s


                      • #12
                        I've had my GBB sling for a month now and I've only seen it out and about once and that was on the day I had it when it had a meal.Since then its been in a hammock at the top of the tank ( can't open the lid because its attached the hammock to the opening door part). She moulted on Monday and is still in the hammock. I can see she is bigger but thats all as she is right under the slat vents of the lid. Hope she is'nt going to stay there forever. I would like to see her now and again!
                        Proud owner of 48 Tarantulas and other pets.


                        • #13
                          ah patsy, that is unfortunate.

                          I discouraged mine to web to the lid on the containers, as soon as they did I removed that web, after a few days they stopped webbing to it.

                          You will have to completely destroy that hammock eventually or you will never be able to feed it or give it water.

                          Give it a good week to recover from the moult, then if it hasn't moved yet I would make it move and unfortunately destroy the web...

                          You should provide a small branch so your Tarantula has something to web a home around, if it doesn't it will most likely choose the top of the container

                          If it should try to web to the top again, destroy the web as soon as possible.
                          <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


                          • #14
                            Hi Tom

                            I was afraid I'd be told that she wouldn't come down but I'm gald you said that it can be stopped if I keep destroying the web. I have made her an ornamental plant in the tank and she has an artificial stone too. I've added a photo of her home. If you think the plant isn't of any use to her for making web on then would a wooden flat lollipop stick do and if so would I have to sterilize it first and if so how can I do that. She moulted Monday 10th so I'll wait until Monday again and if she's still there I'll destroy the hammock and take the old skin out which she seems to be guarding.If you look closely at the photo you can just see the bottom of her hammock in the top right hand corner of the photo. I've been spraying one end of the home through the little vents in that lid as I can't open the flap on the lid. Please let me know what you think about her home and if I need to put a stick in how high up the sides should it go so as not to encourage her up the top again?The substrate was damp when the photo was taken but its bone dry now.

                            Last edited by patsyking; 14-03-08, 06:04 PM.
                            Proud owner of 48 Tarantulas and other pets.


                            • #15
                              Count me in the fan club. Next tarantula for sure!
                              Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.

