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green bottle blue

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  • #16
    Even a miser like me might get one or two!!!
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #17
      taki put me down for 1 lol


      • #18
        Originally posted by Taki Tsonis View Post
        Very beautiful Tthat is not aggresive but rather nervous (hair flicker). Ihave about a hundred 1st instars ready to go .
        I'll post some pics on Monday

        p.s. I'm going to sell them for about 10 Pounds
        Are there any issues exporting to the UK from SA?
        Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
          Are there any issues exporting to the UK from SA?
          I'm busy trying to find out as we speak. I'll keep you posted.


          • #20
            ERM TRY THESPIDERSHOP.CO.UK ???????????????????????????
            juves for sale for £16......


            • #21
              Nice timing Lee! Think I'll wait fior the BTS show though, I don't fancy taking the moth balls out of my purse twice in 3 months!
              sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


              • #22
                Yeah same here. I am being very strict with my no-more-Ts-until-May rule. I'm just hoping someone at the show will have a few GBB slings kicking around


                • #23
                  Trust me Kate, there'll be plenty
                  sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                  • #24

                    im just gonna wait till the show to thas where i had my first t last year.I went up with my bro and he's had them for ages but i never really had my own and wilst in the show we went to a lecture on B.smithis and then i baught a sling thas still going strong lol havin grown a bit tho.My brother bought 4 versicoulour slings but only 1 is still going sadly but a very good looking T

                    so this year going up hopin to buy a few lol especially a GBB lol

