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The Bts Show

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  • The Bts Show

    Got back a little while ago, very hot day, but nice to sit outside. Always nice to see old friends and make new ones. Many thanks to Ray and Angela for putting it all together.

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    Agreed, huge thanks to Ray and Angela! We got home a little while ago, kids crashed out straight away (the older one didnt even wait til we got home!), such an exciting day to them!
    Bought a lovely L.parahybana, sexed by Richard from a moult it came with, and he's going with male, so Id imagine once he's mature you'll be seeing me looking for someone with a female to share him with!
    We now own a T each, making the kids possibly the youngest T owners there - future generation of the BTS for the next 25 years and beyond lol!

    Really enjoyed meetin those that we got to talk to in the pub, and sorry we didn't get to talk to everyone before going home!

    What a fantastic day though!

    Pics of the new purchase to follow!

    J x
    Owner of:
    A. chalcodes "Rio", X.immanis "Cuervo" and OBT sling "Salsa"

    Mummy of:
    Yelina (4 yrs old, RIP GBB juvie "Kama")
    Blake (2 yrs old, owner of juvie L. parahybana "Nachos")


    • #3
      Well me and daughter went to the show today..very hot but the it was worth the trip....i didnt realise there would be so many tarantulas for sale i could of spent hundreds lol!!!...came away with a salmon pink sling and daughter got a giant milipede.....good day out with lots of freindly people well done to all who put it together...and to the lady who was worried about her daughter home alone i hope she behaved lol
      all those moments will be lost in rain


      • #4
        Not a bad day, 2 hours there, an hour wait & in with only 20ish infront of me. Glad I found the back room, otherwise I may of been coming home empty handed & disappointed but as it is I got myself the only A.seemanni I saw all day, an adult female now named Zelda. An adult female A.chalcodes my daughter has called Debbie & a GBB sling she's called Vicky. Couldn't find a G.pulcher SA or Juv so I guess it's keep looking. They are all in their new homes & exploring, drinking & generally chilling so tomorrow evening we'll give them dinner.

        I enjoyed the day greatly but was as little suprised at some of the prices, they seemed a little high from the continent compared to what I'd been advised but you want the goods you pay whats on offer or not, I preffered not. One quoted me 2 prices for the 3 Juv GBBs he had & then put the higher price on all 3 of the tubs. It seemed steep so hence the sling (much better at £10) & me walking away.

        Now relaxing with a chilled drink & watching them settle. Thanks Ray & Angela, thoroughly worth the visit.
        0.1.0 B.smithi "Ruby"
        0.1.0 A.bicolouratum "Beth"
        0.1.0 G.porteri "Rita"
        0.1.0 G.sp.'concepcion' "Zelda"
        0.1.0 A.chalcodes "Debbie"
        0.1.0 A.sp.'guatemala blue' "Gracie"
        0.0.1 C.cyaneopubescens "Vicky"
        0.1.0 G.pulchra "Betty"


        • #5
          Great day here too! Picked up some awesome finds and had a fantastic day out (if a little warm!). Not laughed so much in one day in ages! Thanks to my good friends the Baineses for their company and laughter!
          Well done Ray and Angela, a thoroughly enjoyable show!
          Claire Beckett

          My Collection: - Support captive breeding

          to be updated additions


          • #6
            Ray and Angela, once again you do us proud! It was out eldest daughters 1st BTS show and she was in her element, she was still buzzing about it as she was going to bed.
            Claire thank you again for the lift and a fun filled day, dont know about you but that pizza hit the spot when we got back

            It was lovely to see so many friends there, many we haven't seen since the last expo, half the fun of going to the BTS is catching up with mates.
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


            • #7
              Had a fantastic day and big thanks to Ray and Angela for making the 25th bts show so great.
              Also big thanks to Chris Carter for his personal help And very big thanks to Colin D Wilson for his sound advice and giving me the thumbs up on a setup with a B.Smithi ( yes I now own my very first t called ruby ).
              The drive back was fun watching ruby getting used to my wifes driving lol.
              I sure more chilli rose than ever and thought I would see more redknee's. But there were only two sa's one that didn't look too good and no price on and one my wife found that I needed Colin to check over to see what he thought.
              I was more than happy with the day and took ruby home to let her settle and then we went to the pub for some very cold beers .
              This morning ruby has moved but she's not on the substrate yet and I'm still buzzing.
              Sorry if I didn't say hi to any one just I had no idea who was who and hopfully next time ( yes I'm coming again ssshhh don't tell the wife ) so I can meet more friends and who knows what I may come home with .

              Regards to all.
              Last edited by John chambers; 24-05-10, 06:24 AM. Reason: forgot pics will be posted of ruby


              • #8
                I enjoyed yesterday even if it was a bit too hot . I came away with a few more T's than I intended but I can't blame that on the organisers .

                So thanks and well done to all those that organised such an enjoyable event .

                Just one suggestion for next year , can you organise a light rain next year to keep the temps down ?


                • #9
                  Another fantastic show and the weather so different from last. Great to catch up with old friends and new visitors and have the opportunity to grab some laffs and info from the wealth of experience at BTS. Big thanks to the committee and a big thumbs up to the new streamlined Ray G, hope those slings help.
                  My god was it hot! But popping outside didn't cool me down.
                  A huge unexpected thanks for the awards, my klugi often gets admirers but I hadn't expected such recognition and it really pleased the family to hear of her triumphs.
                  A big thanks to all the people from Invicta that had to put up with my singing and assisting my sales - I think I owe them but they also made the day that more enjoyable.
                  Thanks to Colin W for helping with my entries.
                  I'm guessing it was John that put Romford on the map? Shame I missed you but thanks to all those that kept their promises of males for breeding, fingers crossed we'll see results.
                  A big kiss goes out to the lovely ladies Angela, Kim and Connie, you're all far too pretty to be into tarantula!

                  See you all next year or before
                  My Collection - Summer 2011


                  • #10
                    We had a great day too. Many thanks to everyone who organised it. As ever, there was a universally friendly atmosphere and it was good to meet up with some familiar faces as well chat with some new ones. Spent too much money as usual (never thought I'd part with that sort of cash for a cockroach!). Fantastic bonus to win the artwork prize too - I'll be displaying my plaque and certificate with pride.

                    Oh and Peter, add me to the list of admirers of your Klugi - she's a beauty!


                    • #11
                      And So It Begins.........BTS Exhibition 2011

                      Well, it came; it went and by crikey was it hot? We begin organising next year’s BTS Exhibition today.
                      When I set about organising this year’s exhibition I admit to feeling some anxiety. The UK was in deep recession. Issues that affect us all as hobbyists had come to the forefront of many of our minds. It seemed that the hobby was in decline and I had visions of the show being stormed by banner wavers screaming “oppression”. I had a few sleepless nights I can tell you. Thankfully my fears were unfounded and on the day the only issue was the incredible heat. Those who remember 2009 will recall the torrential rain and the problems that that bought. This year we were blessed with the complete opposite.
                      We set up on Saturday morning and thanks go to those guys and gals who gave up their Saturday to help us carry tables from classrooms on a very sweaty sticky morning. By 2.00pm we were ready for a well-earned pint or three and we retired to the local hostelry to begin the weekend in earnest.
                      I never cease to be amazed at the amount you lot put away and still turn up on site at 7.00 on Sunday fresh as daisies and ready to go. The traders begin to arrive and set up and the “first in the queue” goes to Chris Nock. His prize for arriving on site at around 8.30 was to “volunteer” to man the door until the show opened at 11.00. Thanks Chris on behalf of the BTS Committee.
                      By the time we opened the doors the halls were packed with tarantula, tanks and a myriad of insects. The heat was rising and the queue stretched back to the main road. After a very hectic hour and a half the last guy in the queue came through and we breathed a sigh of relief as a steady stream of late comers made it in.
                      This was our 25th show and in time honoured tradition I never actually got to see what was on offer having talked, walked and sweated myself half to death.
                      Angela and the team covered the BTS Stand and Membership table admirably and the competition and lecture were well supported. The prizes awarded the remaining diehards set about knocking the dealers down to grab that last minute bargain. By 5.00pm the halls had begun to empty and the “barmy army” moved in to return the tables to their rightful place. My apologies to some of the traders who had their tables removed whilst still packing away but it was all done with good humour. The sight of Lee Cole (Security) carrying Ray G’s table away complete with spiders, books and table cloth still attached was priceless. The BTS Exhibition is all about friendship and each year the talking go on long after the halls are emptied, swept and handed back to the school.
                      After each exhibition I carry out a post mortem of the event and this year is no exception. It would be easy to sit back, take the praise and carry on regardless but I aim to improve each event. I must clarify a couple of points made to me on the day though. I am always open to ideas and suggestions. My first point is that we did not ban people bringing in tarantulas to sell at the show. I was merely trying to explain that the exhibitors who book tables take priority. I have no problem with members bringing in prearranged sales or swaps, livestock to be given to official exhibitors to sell on their tables or to be put on the BTS Stand. My only issue is with those individuals who bring in stock intent of selling it from a box on the car park. I was informed prior to the event that there was a possibility that someone was intent on selling prohibited species from their boot. We strive to police the Exhibition as best we can to protect the hobby, the exhibitors and above all the animals.
                      Also it was mentioned on some of the questionnaires that many of you very kindly completed that a seating area would be a good idea. We had put out some tables and chairs in the first hall and there was a quadrangle outside. In my haste I forgot to put up a sign. Doh! I was aware that the food was pricey and limited and I aim to address this next year.
                      All this said the exhibition was huge success. My fears were unfounded and I honestly believe this was the best one for a long time. Mary Walters had commented that we were in danger of losing the camaraderie of old and this struck a chord. I think after yesterday there can be no doubt that this i the friendliest hobby in the World.
                      Thanks go to the BTS Committee and partners who don’t have to be there but still work as hard as everyone else.
                      Lee “What’s in the box” Cole (Security),
                      Norm (Is it that time of year already?) Blackwell
                      The Lads from Dearge (The second best tarantula Society in the World LOL)
                      Jean Michel (I am not Ron Jeremy) Verdez
                      Angela (My long suffering wife who keeps me sane)
                      To all of you guys who make the show what it is and finally to the little lad who had bought his tarantula along just to show me!

                      Cheers Guys

                      Ray and Angela
                      BTS EXHIBITION 2011.......MAY 21st. See you there!
                      British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                      The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                      [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                      • #12
                        Great day as usual, hot isn't the word though (although much better than a rainy day)!!
                        Nice to see new traders and obviousely nice to see the regulars as usual.
                        A bit longer trip for me this time (from Scotland instead of a quick 40 mile skip across the midlands) but still nice to see the all the regular faces and the newcomers to the hobby.
                        The downside for me was Elaine not being there due to back problems but the look on her face when she saw her prezzies sort of made up for it a bit, there's always next year to look forward to and we'll find some way to knock her out or something for the journey

                        Halls - very warm but good as usual
                        Traders - accomodating and generally good prices could be attained for bulk buying
                        Food - slightly above average price for amount but reasonable quality
                        Coffee - (Most important) cheap and tasted fine
                        Attendance - didn't seem as many as last year but still a great turn out.
                        Lecture - missed it myself unfortunately but reports were good as usual.

                        A few people mentioned that there were quite a few spiders for sale in very damp conditions, this i think actually saved them from the weather so not really a bad thing in general.

                        Originally posted by Peter Lacey View Post
                        A big thanks to all the people from Invicta that had to put up with my singing
                        Wasn't just them who had to suffer mate
                        Next year we'll drag a guitar or two in and jam, school should have an entertainment licence eh

                        Originally posted by Peter Lacey View Post
                        Thanks to Colin W for helping with my entries.
                        I did that and looks like i stuffed my chances of a win dammit!!!! (seriously though Pete .... stunning L. klugi !!!!!)

                        Originally posted by Peter Lacey View Post
                        A big kiss goes out to the lovely ladies Angela, Kim and Connie, you're all far too pretty to be into tarantula!
                        This will not favour you for another win next year ..... if you said Andrew, Pete, Ray, Mark "et al" then maybe

                        Thanks to all the BTS staff involved in putting it together, 2011 here we come !!!!
                        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                        • #13

                          I am happy that Peter's kisses only went out to the Ladies at the show! He almost slipped his tongue in for Andy when he received his award (I wasn't there but saw the pictures - which will be posted up this evening) so I think we got off lightly. And I specifically said on the results sheet, NO SINGING!!

                          I asked Ray/Andy to comment that the photographic competition was extremely difficult to judge this year. I was ultimately responsible for the decision. If anyone is unhappy about the decision I made, by all means PM or email me and I will explain the criteria that were used in reaching the decision. Same goes for the tarantula competition and once again, the majority of the decisions were definitely NOT unanimous!

                          The Exhibition was great, but like Ray and the rest of the Committee we didn't really get to see much of what was there. Everyone worked really hard to make the Exhibition the incredible success that it was and will continue to do so in future.

                          Hope you all had fun!



                          • #14
                            This is the first BTS for years where I haven't been behind a table so it was really strange to be wandering around as a punter. I didn't quite know what to do with myself! Which is probably why I ended up manning the front door with Gallon until Mary Walters turned up. She gave us more aggro than I could cope with so I let Mr Longhorn take over and went back to wandering

                            It was great to catch up with the usual crowd and actually spend some money for the first time in about 3 years. Thanks to Michael Scheller for relieving me of some hard earned cash, one of the new people I met this year, top bloke.

                            Highlight of the show? JMV visually re-enacting the moment he discovered Lampropelma nigerimmum in the wild. Hilariously inappropriate and definitely not family friendly. Jean-Michel you always amuse me

                            See you all next year

                            Leon & Kate


                            • #15
                              hi mate the star on the map it was actually my wife that put it there! Great day out, thanks to the organizers! it was my first BTS exposition at it won't be my last!!!
                              and i got home with a purple bloom birdeater !!! that already feeding well!!

