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The Bts Show

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  • #31
    Go away..... think about it......then come back and realise that for the 1-2 % that have something "they" consider worth whinging about over a week after the event there 98-99% that are happy with your roles in organising the expo.
    If it was something you have no control over - you can't let it bother you as you can't make a difference now.
    If it's something you have control over - they should accept an appology for this year and you could waiver table fees for next year as a gesture for example.
    If it was something that could have been done on the day to make good then it should have been mentioned then, there were plenty of staff, commitee and moderators knocking around that would have given up thier time and afforded some help.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #32
      I can fully understand hearing complaints might stifle your enthusiasm but the great work you, Angela and all the team at BTS make towards this event is very much appreciated and that common praise should raise to the surface, not the minority complaints.
      People travel from quite a distance, they'll pay for an overnight stay and many come up knowing what a great social event it is as well as the opportunity to share ideas and experiences.
      The trader comes to sell, you've merely provided them an avenue to do so. This year was terrifically hot but, to the best of my knowledge, you don't have a dimmer on the sun. Last year the weather was in total contrast. There might be some lessons to learn, as in anything, to improve the show. But, in the various forums Ive read, the show was greatly appreciated by those who attended and we're already looking forward to 2011.
      Please, keep up the good work, just make sure there's more microphones next time
      My Collection - Summer 2011


      • #33
        I said NO SINGING!!!!!!!!!!


        • #34
          Well.....i came up from Devon with a 4 year old. It was really hot both days, the train journey took nearly 4 hours. We stayed at a hotel on Wolverhampton the night before and came to the pub to meet you all. I spent FAR too much money.....i am waffling.

          But my point is this. For all the heat/stress/overdraft/travelling etc... i would do it all again tomorrow. I had a wonderful time and while i didn't get the chance to talk to you all as much as i would have liked, i learnt a lot. I can appreciate how it must deflate you to hear negative comments. But, as Colin said, 99% of people throughly enjoyed themselves. I have already blocked out the last 2 weekends next may and will definatley be coming again.

          What's the saying? "you can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time"

          Personally i would be really sad if you decided not to go ahead with next year, but i can appreciate the work you both put in, and it must p*** you off to have someone whine about it. But MOST of us are extremely grateful!

          Mandy and Charlie x


          • #35
            It was my first exhibition, and myself and my girlfriend were so impressed with the whole show. Would easily go again, and if you decide to have an Exhibition in Eastbourne, then that would be even better, as I live there too!
            0.1.0 A. geniculata (Alice)
            0.1.0 A. versicolor (Tilly)
            0.0.1 B. boehemi (Blaze)
            1.0.0 B. smithi (Carlos)
            0.0.1 C. elegans (Ellie)
            0.1.0 C. fasciatum (Tia)
            0.1.1 E. murinus (Phantom, Morticia)
            2.0.1 G. pulchripes (Freddie, Six, Eve)
            0.2.0 G. rosea (Rosie, Bonnie)
            0.0.1 H. maculata (Macy)
            0.0.1 L. parahybana (Sally)
            0.1.1 N. chromatus (Medusa, Pepper)
            1.0.0 P. antinous (Jet)
            0.1.0 P. irminia (Sammy)
            0.0.1 T. apophysis (Poppy)


            • #36

              I honestly can't believe someone would accuse you or Angela of being rude/arrogant etc etc. I was sad I didn't get a chance to talk to you and Angela at the pub, or on the day, but our pub visit was a flying one and we stayed outside with having the kids with me! On the day things were all very manic, again with the kids (seriously considering getting them looked after for next years if there is one, to better enjoy the day and talk to people etc) However I greatly appreciated your support via email when we were first thinking of coming (advise with hotels, directions and kind invitation to join you all in the pub) and the offer to talk to Angela on the day for advice on first time T keeping (although I didnt get to speak to her in the end, and had also already bought 2 Ts by the time we went anyway!)

              All being said and done, I can't imagine that two people such as yourselves can be any less lovely in person than you are on here/via email etc.

              I feel that if someone did have a problem with the day itself, that surely is something he could discuss with you maturely and calmly and perhaps suggest improvements for next year. The fact that he hasn't done this and has instead upset you both suggests to me that perhaps he is the one who is rude? And also that he isn't worth worrying about.

              You have the support, thanks and appreciation of us as a family, and as far as I can tell the BTS forum as a whole. You do excellent work, the show, for me, although hot and a little stressful due to kids, was a huge success, much looked forward to for months and lived up to every expectation and more! We travelled from Liverpool and stayed overnight just to come and thoroughly enjoyed it and were very glad we did!

              While I'm sure no-one wants to pressure you into making any decision about 2011 and all will support you whatever you decide, I thought it might be worth mentioning how excited we and many others would be to come again next year!

              Hope you and Angela do not take anything this person has said to heart, as I can see from the replies on here how many people are of the opposite opinion!

              Take care,

              Jo x
              Owner of:
              A. chalcodes "Rio", X.immanis "Cuervo" and OBT sling "Salsa"

              Mummy of:
              Yelina (4 yrs old, RIP GBB juvie "Kama")
              Blake (2 yrs old, owner of juvie L. parahybana "Nachos")


              • #37
                Thanks guys and gals . It is all very much appreicatted. I think anyone who knows us both personally will tell you that we will always go the extra mile to help. Sometimes things just hit a nerve and this was one of them. Its a shmae you didnt hook up with us in the pub Joanna. Im sure you realsed that we are friendly lot who work hard and play (very) hard. The pub was packed with spider fans on the Saturday and I didnt get to speak to all of you who were there which is great shame becuase the grass roots level is whats its about to Angela nd myself. We have seen many a beginner turn into a fully fledged experienced keeper/breeder in time.. I need time to think about next year but with or without us the BTS Exhibition will take place. Ive spent too many years building up friendships to let it all go. Besides who would I talk to? I only know spider fanatics.

                Nuff said.

                Cheers guys ( BTS EXHIBITION 2011 21st May........)
                British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                • #38
                  haha that was a bit misleading...that was actually to Michael Scheller
                  was glad to catch up with you though man!
                  Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                  -Martin Luther King Jr.

                  <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                  My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Ray Hale View Post
                    Thanks guys and gals . It is all very much appreicatted. I think anyone who knows us both personally will tell you that we will always go the extra mile to help. Sometimes things just hit a nerve and this was one of them. Its a shmae you didnt hook up with us in the pub Joanna. Im sure you realsed that we are friendly lot who work hard and play (very) hard. The pub was packed with spider fans on the Saturday and I didnt get to speak to all of you who were there which is great shame becuase the grass roots level is whats its about to Angela nd myself. We have seen many a beginner turn into a fully fledged experienced keeper/breeder in time.. I need time to think about next year but with or without us the BTS Exhibition will take place. Ive spent too many years building up friendships to let it all go. Besides who would I talk to? I only know spider fanatics.

                    Nuff said.

                    Cheers guys ( BTS EXHIBITION 2011 21st May........)
                    for flip's sake, just caught up with the thread now, don't have net at home at the moment...what is wrong with people?
                    Ray and Angela you're always friendly and pleasant to speak to! arrogant my hairy behind! that really angers me! arrogance is easy to spot (at least for me) and is something you both are not guilty of!!! and rudeness! never!
                    you have been giving your time voluntarily and with no gain but the satisfaction of a great show for YEARS, and i and rest of the 98-99% that Colin mentioned appreciate it to no end!
                    incidentally, both the BTS events i'm made it too since joining this hobby (Lectures and the Show of course) have been highlights of my whole year. you are all to be flipping canonised for all the effort you put in and all the stupid people you have to put up with! i've no time for them!!!
                    i'll be at the BTS in 2011!!!
                    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                    -Martin Luther King Jr.

                    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #40
                      It's in my diary already for next year and myself and Jo (potentially minus children!) will be there.
                      This time last year i had a g.rosea i couldn't stand the sight of. My son had grown attached to daddys pet and didn't want him to take her when the relationship ended. I made my ex feed her when he came to pick Charlie up but before long i was getting pretty fond of her.

                      Just over a year on i have "met" some great people and got to meet Jo after many spider related convos on Facebook after realising we had mutual friends and a mutual love of T's. We are planning a visit to Germany next year and will be there in Coseley on may 21st next year (after Invicta in january!)

                      I never thought i would now have 3 tarantulas with plans for many more, despite being known now as "crazy spider lady" amongst friends and family!

                      The BTS played a large part i my growing love for these little (and big) hairy dudes and i thank you Ray and Angela for doing all this. Now i am going to stop waffling. I tend to do this as you will come to find!

                      Mandy x


                      • #41
                        Roll on germany Mand, am just a bit excited at all the fab spider shows we have planned for 2011, the highlight being back in Coseley though, where we will definitely get to talk to more people in the pub next year, including you Ray! Especially as I can see myself being one of the newbies who turn into experienced keepers! Hopefully anyway! I love the Ts and have so many on my wish list that I can see this turning into a big part of my life!

                        Owner of:
                        A. chalcodes "Rio", X.immanis "Cuervo" and OBT sling "Salsa"

                        Mummy of:
                        Yelina (4 yrs old, RIP GBB juvie "Kama")
                        Blake (2 yrs old, owner of juvie L. parahybana "Nachos")

