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Photographing Tarantulas

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mandy Clinch View Post
    I have a Fujifilm Finepix S1000fd (£120 inAsda about 18 months ago) which is brilliant EXCEPTwhen i take a pic with the flash, it freezes the camera andthe only way to get it working is to take the batteries out and start again, and i lose the shot
    If i take the memory card out, it works, but the camera only stores about 8 shots. It's really annoying but i deal with it.
    This could be a few things......
    The memory card could be faulty (try another for comparison)
    The camera could be faulty (either hardware or software, most camera shops will be able to give it a once over for you)
    The memory card could be just on the limit (Size in MB/GB) of the maximum the camera can take due to it's software version. (pop a smaller card in and test)
    The memory card may not be "fast enough" to accept the data from the camera if it's an older card (pop a newer card in and test)

    First thing to try is clean the terminals of the card and camera with a good cleaning product, its amazing how many severe faults get sorted with just doing this.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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    • #17
      I'll give those a try Colin. It's always done it but it is a fairly cheap memory card, so it could be that.

      Thanks for the advice


      • #18
        i used Canon S5 IS before, but i now use Canon sx200 is, this is a lot better for macro then the old Canon S5 IS and it cost about the same.

