Hi guys,

I have a female Haplopelma lividum, who has barracaded the entrance of her burrow. Not with webbing, but with substrate. She's completely sealed in. She did this about 6 - 8 weeks ago and has refused all food items since. She was mated several times earlier in the year and I'm hoping she is guarding a sac down there.

Has anyone else experienced this with this species? Is this typical behaviour from a gravid female?

Although moulting seems to be the obvious answer, 8 weeks just seems like a long time to me. During previous moults she has only ever webbed up the entrance and done it in less than half the time.

Is it possible that the burrow entrance has collapsed, trapping her down there?

Any ideas? My guess is that she has a sac down there.

Any information or advice is greatly appreciated
