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Colouration quibble!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Damian Storer View Post
    (wish list - Indian Ornamental or P Regalis if you prefer)
    Pokies, now there's a genus you will get addicted too and you'll want them all


    • #32
      Originally posted by Lee Furness View Post
      Pokies, now there's a genus you will get addicted too and you'll want them all
      They are so beautiful, the first time i saw a 'versicolour' type i thought it looked like something off the muppet show big blue fuzzy thing!!! Please pardon my sense of humour...
      BUT - apparently as it's said that 'old world' T's usually are, the Pokie (great name!) has one hell of a bite on them, so i would pay it plenty of respect when cleaning out. But it's only a dream... one T at a time, remember?
      Last edited by Damian Storer; 04-04-12, 03:22 PM.


      • #33
        'versicolour' sounds like you're talking about "Avicularia versicolor" (New World), which is really pretty and a great spider usually one often recommended as a first arboreal (can be skittish but otherwise easy going), waiting on my little one growing and seeing the colour changes along the way.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Lee Furness View Post
          'versicolour' sounds like you're talking about "Avicularia versicolor" (New World), which is really pretty and a great spider usually one often recommended as a first arboreal (can be skittish but otherwise easy going), waiting on my little one growing and seeing the colour changes along the way.
          Yeah, i thought that the versicolour was just another type of Pokie, like the Grammostola variations etc. Shows you that i know nothing! Still, i'm very new to this so i'm sure i'll learn in time... It does look incredible though and i'm sure it's amazing to watch it change. Going back to the main route of this thread, have you seen what's happened to my Grammostola Rosea? It turned into a Grammostola Mollicoma / Anthracina!!!


          • #35
            Yeah I was looking at your pic's and getting spider envy, what a stunning looking T!


            • #36

              I had to convince my other half too! Now I've created a monster. They are truly fascinating creatures, and now she agrees. Our collection is growing every day/week. I'm sure you'll have more on your hands soon enough. Lol.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Damian Storer View Post
                MORE than 450?

                Im sad

                I thought that I had 700 T's so I had a count up today before work and ive only got 696 but on the brightside. . . . Only got another 6 weeks until the annual T fest


                • #38
                  Only peter!!! I'm new and the first got me hooked. I'm not in your league, by any stretch,but aspire to, some day, way in the future, wife permitting of course. Bought my first in November, G. rose, managing 1 a month now. Such interesting creatures. Know where to get the advice now then! Lol


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Peter Roach View Post
                    Im sad

                    I thought that I had 700 T's so I had a count up today before work and ive only got 696 but on the brightside. . . . Only got another 6 weeks until the annual T fest
                    What... What... WHAT?!

                    Peter your T collection is growing faster than my dubia colony! LOL. I'm sure you had about 300 only a few months ago.

                    My Collection:


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by david clarke View Post

                      I had to convince my other half too! Now I've created a monster. They are truly fascinating creatures, and now she agrees. Our collection is growing every day/week. I'm sure you'll have more on your hands soon enough. Lol.
                      Well the deal she made was that for every T i get, she can have another tattoo!!! Now those kind of T's are far more expensive, so i'll stick to my one and do the best i can to get it right with the advice i've been so kindly given on here. You're a decent old bunch aren't you


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by david clarke View Post
                        Only peter!!! I'm new and the first got me hooked. I'm not in your league, by any stretch,but aspire to, some day, way in the future, wife permitting of course. Bought my first in November, G. rose, managing 1 a month now. Such interesting creatures. Know where to get the advice now then! Lol
                        My first T was also in November and i've still just got the one! Although i do have a second glass terrarium as i bought a bigger one. Infact i've got three as the first glass aquarium i bought turned out to have a very lighweight plastic lid (well hidden by the cardboard packaging, honest!) and i just use it for storing substrate now so potentially i could have three T's. Don't do it Damian.... RESIST!!!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Peter Roach View Post
                          We need a photo of the shed skin opened out in the area of the top pair of book lungs NOT a photo of the actual spider or book lungs, to be able to sex it with any accuracy .
                          (If you have any difficulties or if you really want to know its sex, post the moult to me and I'll sex it for you)
                          Right Peter. I'm going to need your expert opinion to confirm this, but it appears that not only is my G Rosea a G Mollicoma / Anthracina, it also appears to be FEMALE!!! I sat down with my 'bible' last night and read up on sexing T's. Looking at the skin (exuvium?) it appears that the male has a fairly flat furrow between the top set of book lungs, but the female has a leaf like flap that looks like a fifth book lung with a protruding spiracle (get me!). Well, armed with my LED light and a steady hand, i opened up the exuvium to reveal that very said leaf like flap between the top set of book lungs. I'm not an expert by any stretch, but it appears from what i've read that HE, is in fact a SHE!!!! Doh!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Ben Cook View Post
                            It is very easy to go on TSS website and buy a spray bottle, then think "wait a minute.......those slings are only £4! may as well get one" I have found so many excuses....."oh, my L.parayhbana needs a new would be silly to have an empty house....may as well get another" or my personal favorite at SEAS...."its only £3....i have that in change...i'll just waste it otherwise"
                            Don't forget the food argument: I buy crickets anyway, so one more spider won't cost me any more to feed. They just go to waste otherwise.

