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  • Alistair Kennington
    Hi Kelly

    Hi,i hear things are good for settled in now n all that jazz

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  • Kelly Battman
    Hi Everyone

    I recently have had a problem with my account and have had to start a new one. I'm still the same kelly murray but haven't got round to putting everything back on yet.
    anybody who i have talked to or made friends with can contact me through this account
    sorry for the delay hope to hear from you all

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  • Craig Mackay
    Originally posted by Hazel Duffy View Post
    Hey there Peter, I sure am looking forward to the Bean Weavils. Got a few hungry mouths to feed *g*

    Methil, Craig heh
    Ah cool, thats a shame. It'd be nice to meet some like minded people in my own town.

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  • Hazel Duffy
    Hey there Peter, I sure am looking forward to the Bean Weavils. Got a few hungry mouths to feed *g*

    Methil, Craig heh

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  • Craig Mackay
    Originally posted by Hazel Duffy View Post
    I currently bide where you are from Craig lol ...
    Alloa or Methil? Small world!!

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  • Peter Lacey
    Welcome to all the new visitors.
    Hi Hazel, hope you enjoy your beanweavils

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  • Hazel Duffy
    I currently bide where you are from Craig lol ... Oh n I'd like to make an ammendment. My A.pupurea has turned out to be a Avic sp "Peru purple" heh

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  • Craig Mackay
    Welcom everyone. Hope you enjoy th forum. Hazel, I'm a fifer too. Where about are you? I grew up in Methil.

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  • Mrs Linda Street
    Hi Hazel, welcome to the forum.

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  • Alistair Kennington
    Hi hazel & others new to the site

    Hi hazel i also have only been keeping T's a short time there great and so interesting ,enjoy it here same go's out to the others just joined...cheers Ali

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  • Hazel Duffy

    *peeks from behind the computer screen*

    Hiya everyone.

    Another newbie to add to the growing list. I've only been keeping t's for going on 6 weeks now. I have 0.1.0 A.purpurea (georgous lil girl when she comes out of hiding) 0.1.0 G.rosea (another gentle soul who roams her tank) [both of these I've had for the full 6wks *w*] 0.0.1 A.versicolor (nice wee sling who weaves wonderful webs) and 0.0.1 B.smithi (who dances around it's tub)[both have had a week in my care]

    I do agree with the person above (Linda) that they are addictive, as I have another two slings coming hopefully friday and I find my self daily researching and checking out the Classifieds (yanno, eager beaver n all that.) It's amazing to see how they each interact with their surrounding and their food. My wish list has another four species (none of which are reported as aggressive, cos well ... hrmph, just not ready for those yet lol)

    So yeah, thats me. Hope all are well


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  • Mrs Linda Street
    Hi Clive, welcome to the forum, as Alistair say's always lots of help and advice on hand, but beware, collecting T's is an addictive hobby lol.

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  • Alistair Kennington
    Hi Clive & welcome

    Hi clive & welcome its great here i only just got into the hobbie as well there a great bunch of people on here,i started with one and now ime on 9 when my next three come this week lol,you soon lern any thing you need to no,just ask like i do .....enjoy it here mate and look forward to reading your posts ect

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  • clive wooby
    Hello everybody........i'm new to this in every way imaginable....just bought my first T...a gorgeous 3" brachypelma boehmei female(so im told)...called her Sheila.....not sure of her age.
    Look forward to chatting with y'all and hopefully gaining some knowledge on T's as i go.

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  • chris carter
    Thanks linda

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