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More bad press for tarantulas, with my email to BBC.

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  • More bad press for tarantulas, with my email to BBC.

    Ok, was just browsing the BBC website and i came across this utter tripe

    Here is a copy of the email i have sent the BBC:

    "Hello there, i have just been reading your article at about the "Brachypelma Smithi" and have noticed 3 inaccuracies that portray a false and undermining image of the tarantula.
    I keep many different species myself and have done for quite some time, and was appauled by what i read.
    Firstly; "Staff called in the RSPCA to look after the potentially dangerous arachnid"; There have not been any recorded fatalities from a tarantula bite, EVER.
    Secondly; "which is an endangered species."; In the wild, yes, the B.Smithi is an endangered species and is on the CITES II specification. However, in captivity this species is common and breeding has been very successful.
    Thirdly; "They are not the most dangerous spider, but it could be fatal if it is given to someone who has an allergic reaction. "; If some proper research had been put into this article, you would be well aware that even the worst allergic reaction to this species would result in swelling, cramps, headaches and vomiting at the WORST.
    The last point I have to speak about is the fact that the individual who sent the tarantula has done nothing illegal. The postage of live invertebrates is not illegal, and niether is owning the species B.Smithi in captivity. COLLECTION from Mexico is illegal, but owning a captive bred specimin is perfectly acceptable.
    Please get back to me on this article as I would very much like to see it edited, to portray the TRUE image of this scenario.
    Thanks, Oliver Dodds"

    Please feel free to email them to try and help whoever it was that was arrested, and to make these FOOLS do some PROPER research in future invert related articles.
    Thanks, Oli

  • #2
    Ten inch legspans eh?? AWESOME! Okay so some of their reporting is off...BUT...
    As for the context of the arrest...if something like that is sent to someone as a *threat*which appears to be the case in that story, I believe it can be construed as a public order offence, ie the sending of material with intent to offend, harrass or otherwise cause distress. Therefore the police are quite correct to arrest the chap involved.


    • #3
      To be fair it says "potentially dangerous" not "potentially lethal". And most of the misinformation seems to come from the RSPCA guy!

      Also that article is 2 years old :P


      • #4
        Damn, i forgot to put about the 10" span in the email...
        I know that there has been a crime commited, but i dont want some guy getting charged with loads of other things such as sending a spid, having a spid on the CITES list, attempted murder etc etc :P:P
        You know how these 'uneducated' idiots can be in court....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kate Arbon View Post
          To be fair it says "potentially dangerous" not "potentially lethal". And most of the misinformation seems to come from the RSPCA guy!

          Also that article is 2 years old :P
          I know its old Kate, but portraying Ts incorrectly to the public.
          Also, later on in the article it does actually say it could be fatal...


          • #6
            Oli...the only thing he'd likely be charged with is a public order offence, and that's if the CPS don't throw the case out...don't go blowing it out of all proportion, they don't invent laws on the spur of the moment to sting people for. The police sensibilities are far different to casual reporting by the media.
            On the score of *uneducated idiots*...the Tony species of my household served for 22 years, before being retired on ill health.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Louise~Nichols View Post
              *uneducated idiots*
              here here, you know my views on uneducated opinions


              • #8
                Lou, im talking about judges. (Tony was police right?)
                I guess im on my own, getting mad about this article then...


                • #9
                  Yes Tony was Police, and it is they who put the files and charge sheets together to present to the CPS, who then decide whether to throw a case out or to alter the charges presented...all the judge does is preside and deliver sentence.

                  I'm afraid I can't be doing with ranting over justice, hopefully punishment deters others from a similar course of irresponsible action.


                  • #10
                    nah i'm with you, Oli! i doubt the guy was arrested for sending a captive bred non-lethal spider, but getting arrested for "threatening behaviour" (even if it wasn't REALLY threatening) is i suppose fair enough.
                    still, the fact this article EXISTS, with it's blatant lies and propaganda really annoys me!
                    potentially 10 inches...and climbing trees! what a load of tosh!
                    like one of our hybrid spiders we had in some joke threads before, the Theraphosa smithi, nice red knees, but flaming aggressive and HUGE!!
                    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                    -Martin Luther King Jr.

                    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      No need to rant Lou, I meant no offence.
                      You know far more about the law then I do, especially since ive only lived by UK laws for 3 years.
                      Justice should always be served appropriately, I was just worried that reading all that false information, wrong charges may have been implicated, thats all


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Oli Dodds View Post
                        No need to rant Lou, I meant no offence.
                        That wasn't a was *educational material* for you to digest! LOL
                        As with most stories that the media release, there is always a fair dose of unnecessary hype surrounding a adds substance, sensationalism etc...for the most part, stories come, stories go...and in a hundred years time who will actually give a toss? *shrugs*


                        • #13
                          I did write quite a long reply but decieded to delete it. Why? well because I think Louise summed up most of what I was thinking.

                          Getting wound up about a little bit of missinformation about spiders is like a train spotter going ape because someone told him the wrong last number on a carrige that just went by.

                          almost as bad as a common names are a waste of time type thread.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                            Getting wound up about a little bit of missinformation about spiders is like a train spotter going ape because someone told him the wrong last number on a carrige that just went by.

                            almost as bad as a common names are a waste of time type thread.
                            Yeah, I guess I did waste my typing typing; they probably wont even read the email anyway
                            But I do tend to get wound up quite easily, as a few people know (you yourself know this Chris, hopefully there are no hard feelings anymore mate).
                            I guess Im just trying to fight a losing battle to bring tarantulas out of the dark and into the light, so people dont go 'you keep tarantulas in your bedroom? Thats disgusting and dangerous, your crazy!!!' whenever they find out what i do.
                            Ah well


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                              Getting wound up about a little bit of missinformation about spiders is like a train spotter going ape because someone told him the wrong last number on a carrige that just went by.
                              LOL!!! I love that comparison, Chris!

                              Oli...Rome wasn't built in a day mate, folks are either of a mind to let bygones be bygones, or they have to stir up chaos...but either which way, maintaining a calm equilibrium is always the best way to handle these things. Chill down to a panic and enjoy your loverly spids. *hugs*

